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4 years later ...

"Momma!! Momma!!"

I turned around to see Zuri chasing Zala.

"Zuri Zala stop running before you hurt yourselves!"

I went to walk over to Zuri who jumped into my arms. I picked her up as she giggled.

"Momma I beat Zala!!" Zuri exclaimed happily.

"And what did I tell you and Zala about running in here?"

"Not to because we could hurt ourselves." She said looking down guiltily.

I heard a giggle and scream and went into protective mode. I put Zuri down and ran to were I heard Zala scream.

I saw Erebus throwing Zala around in the air.

"Daddy!! Don't drop meeeee!!!" Zala giggled.

"Zuri helppp!!" Zala screamed.

Zuri ran and jumped on Erebus' back. I couldn't help but smile at the sight before me. Erebus fell to his knees and onto his back playfully acting as if he was being attacked.


The girls giggled and jumped on top of Erebus.

"Ok girls get off of daddy."

The girls jumped off and ran to me. I picked both of them up and put them on my hip.

Things changed quite a bit within the past 4 years. Zuri and Zala are both 4 years old and growing bigger everyday. Turns out they're the first of their species Sires. They're a mix of vampire and Siress.

Zuri and Zala are identical twins sharing the same jet black curly hair and caramel skin tone taking after their father. The only difference is Zuri's eyes are hazel with specks of violet and Zara has blue eyes with specks of violet taking after me.

Erebus and I got our own place in the underworld not far from Sade and Hozae's place. We live in a nice 3 story house with a beautiful field of purple lillie's and red roses.

Erebus is amazing with the girls and

Zayn comes to visit almost everyday, and the girls love him.

"Momma where's Uncle Zayn?" Zala asked.

"I don't know sweetheart?"

"I'm right here."

"Uncle Zayn!!!" The girls screamed in unison while running towards Zayn.

I felt arms wrap around me and knew it was Erebus.

"What are you thinking about Ms. Taylor?" Erebus asked kissing my neck.

"Shouldn't you already know?" I smirked teasingly.

He chuckled and spun me around kissing me on the lips.

"Ewwww!!!! Daddy stop eating momma!!" Zuri yelled.

I laughed and turned back around in Erebus' arms.

"Erebus, Cat, they're ready for you." Zayn announced.

Today was the day Erebus and I were crowned the new Underworld King and Queen.

Erebus took my hand and escorted me to the huge velvet curtain separating us from the rest of the ceremony.

"Come on girls." Zayn said pulling them closer to his side.

'Supernaturals of the Underworld we have waited centuries for this day to come! This is the day we present our new King and Queen rulers!' Hozae announced.

Cheers erupted from the crowd and soon the curtain was lifted and Erebus and I stepped onto the deck of the Crowning Hall were the ceremony took place.

The cheers got louder as we stepped out and into sight.

Hozae and Sade walked over to us with crowns on their head. Hozae took off his crown and placed it onto Erebus' head.

Sade then came over to me and took her crown and placed it onto my head. She smiled at me and gave me a hug.

"With the power bestowed in me I present to you the new King and Queen of the Underworld. King Erebus Dimitri Taylor and Queen Cataleya Alina Alistair!" And with that Hozae and Sade lifted our hands into the air and the crowd broke out into happy cheers.

Zuri and Zala ran out and I picked them up. Erebus took Zuri from me and into his arms and smiled at me as I did him.

"Wave Zala." I whispered.

And Zala waved excitedly at the crowd with a smile and Zuri did the same.

Erebus grabbed me by the waist and kissed the side of my head.

"I love you Ms. Taylor."

"And I love you Mr. Taylor."

As King and Queen of the Underworld we will rule as one forever and always until the day we die. It is our duty to lead our people into victory and help guide them through dark times. We will stand tall and strong through the storms and droughts the challenges of life throws our way. We will prosper and overcome the deadly ties of the unknown. We are King and Queen of the Underworld and we will Fight till death for our people. Forever and Always as one.

-The End

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