Chapter 4

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I woke up to the delicious smell of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Were mom and dad home I thought but soon knew they weren't since they weren't going to be back until early next month from their business trip to Europe.

Yes they work at the same place how romantic.... NOT! Its repulsive! I really do hate love.

Why? you may ask because in the end you always end up having your heart broken sitting on the couch eating ice cream like a fat person crying into a ripped picture of you and him on yall first date or something, and I find that utterly hilarious how weak and pathetic humans were.

I didn't even want to be one myself but at long last I lay in my bed in human form with a beating heart and blood pumping through my veins. For a moment I almost forgot about that delicious smell coming from the kitchen.

I soon started getting ready for school so I could see where the source of that delicious smell was coming from. I hopped in the shower brushed my teeth and headed over to my massive walk in closet filled with nothing but designer jeans, shirts, and bags.

To be honest I hated my wardrobe. I wasn't the one to be flashy at all, that was Rebecca's style not mine. So I simply roamed through my closet and set my eyes on a pair of white ripped skinny jeans, a green silk ballon top and some baige pumps.

I couldn't even walk in heels!! But yet I'm wearing some. I thought I try something new seeing as we just moved here into a new country I might as well throw the old t shirt and jeans girl away and try to embrace this little fashionista burning to show itself.

I took a deep breath and went over to my bathroom to do my hair. I had approximately 30 minutes before we had to leave for school so I decided to curl my hair in small ringlets all over while they cascaded down my back stopping at my bra strap.

I put on a little mascara and my baby lips blood red lipstick and did a double take in the mirror before I went downstairs. WOW I look....beautiful.

OMG I totally look sexy right now. I couldn't help but admire myself in the mirror. Oh no I'm turning into Rebecca I said outloud but kept looking at myself in the mirror. I actually look like a model to be honest and that brought a smile to my lips.

I walked over to grab my Chanel purse. Yes a purse out of all people Cataleya Alistair carries a purse and wears heels!! This may take some time getting use to but I all but grabbed it and made my way downstairs slowly not to break any important ligaments since soccer tryouts were coming up and I sooooo was trying out seeing how I totally kicked ass!

I cascaded down the stairs and stopped to see Rebecca cooking breakfast. In all my years of living I never thought I'd see the day my sister actually cooks breakfast.

She's burnt water before and yet she manages to cook a delicious smelling meal.

As she noticed me she smiled. Then did a double take on me and squealed like the girly girl she is.

"Oh My God Cataleya you look absolutely HOT!!" she exclaimed running towards me.

"Thanks I thought I try somehing new since I really wasn't much of a girly girl back in Scotland."I said with a sly simle on my face.

"Well now I'm not embarassed to show you off at school now!"

What she said kind of hurt me but I know she didn't mean much harm by it, so I shook it off and laughed instead.

"Ok so now tell me what smells so good!" I exclaimed.

"Ohh right well I made you your favorite choc-."

"Chocolate chip pancakes with bananas strawberry and whip cream with ice cream and a side of bacon and eggs!!!" I cut her off because it looked so damn good.

She smiled at me and looked as I grabbed the plate and started stuffing my mouth with the creamy goodness.

"Ohhh hell yea this is like sex in my mouth!" I exclaimed.

She nothing but laughed.

"I felt bad for leaving you at school yesterday and almost got you killed so I thought I make your favorite breakfast. I know this still doesn't make up for what I did but its a start."

"A damn good start!" I yelled as my Scottish accent started to come out. She laughed and shook her head and continued to clean up the rest of the kitchen.

Once I was finished with my delicious breakfast we headed out the door to school. When we finally arrived like yesterday all eyes were on us except for this time people were actually staring at me. ME!!

It's funny how you just change your clothes and shoes and do a little something with your hair and people start treating you like your the next Victoria Secret model. It's ridiculous I tell you. As I headed to 1st period I ran into Loral. She looked at me and started to walk away.

My jaw dropped as I stood there confused as hell like wtf did I do. Soon enough I ran after her and when she saw me she stopped. She looked at me and said

"Hey are you Cataleya's twin she never told me she had a twin sister besides Rebecca". I laughed at her face and she looked at me as if I asked if she could help volunteer with me shooting her in the head.

"What's so funny are you ok?" Loral asked me a bit creeped out.

"Loral! Its me Cataleya! I swear I change my clothes and do something with my hair and my own friends don't even recognize me."

I laughed harder and harder the more she looked at me as if I were under a microscope.

"Cataleya?" she said.

"The one and only."

She looked at me like I just ran down the hall butt naked yelling " WHO WANTS TO HAVE FREE SEX!!!" It was utterly hilarious. Realization finally settled in after a good 5 minutes.

"OMG Cataleya I didn't even recognize you! You look amazing girl no you look HOT!" she said to me.

"No shit" I said to her open mouth.

After getting use to my apperance we made our way down to our 1st period and waited for the teacher to arrive. Just as our teacher Mr. Thompson walked in I saw Erebus right behind him wearing a moutain blue v neck fitting shirt, a black leather jacket, dark wash jeans that fit his butt perfectly, and some blue and grey air max's. Erebus was looking hot as hell and sexier than any guy I could have imagined. I was all but speechless. But of course I just stared at him as we locked gazes and he sent me a smirk.

"Class this is our new student Erebus Taylor and he will be joining us for the rest of the school year so please welcome him with your upmost respect" Mr. Thompson said.

"I'll do more than that" one girl on the far right of the class said.


The entire class looked back at me including Erubus and broke out into fits of laughter. I mean seriously everybody was walking up to me giving me high fives and 'nice one' every now and then. After about 5 minutes the laughter died down not completely but enough to start the lesson.

As Mr. Thompson told Erebus to take a seat anywhere but the only seat left was next to me. Ohh how delightful.

Erebus strutted his way over here literally like a greek god and took a seat next to me. I looked up at him as he said " Jealous much."

I scowled at him and he just winked at me sending butterflies all around my stomach. Oh My God am I starting to like Erebus, as I looked at him again he was still staring at me with that smug look on his face while biting his lip seductively looking at my lips.

DAMN this dude was beyond sexy no words could describe how beautiful and sexy he looked right now. I blushed fiercely looking like an apple and got my answer. Oh Hell to the No I like Erebus Taylor my kidnapper aka personal stalker no fucking way.

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