Chapter 15

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Ughh I finally face the day of hell. It was Monday and I had to go back to school. Suprisingly Rebecca hadn't found out what happened at soccer tryouts since she was out partying I guess.

"Cataleya!!! What the hell did you do Friday!!" Rebecca screeched.

Rebecca burst into my room like an FBI agent. I guess I spoke too soon, should have known she was going to find out. It took her a while but I knew she was going to find out. I sighed and got out of bed and headed for the bathroom, but before I could get there Rebecca stood in front of the door.

"What Rebecca." I said a bit irritated.

"Answer me. What happened at soccer tryouts on Friday? I've been getting calls all morning about you. You're practically the talk of the school."

Rebecca said with a little distaste.

I knew she didn't like not being the center of attention but hey that's not my problem.

"Look I was just doing a kick and the ball caught on fire along with the net. It's not my fault the school has weak balls."I laughed a little at my statement.

"Get it weak balls."I laughed some more and Rebecca just rolled her eyes and walked out of my room.

"Ohh come on!! That was funny!!! Weak balls!!" I yelled after her.

Ohh well guess she doesn't have a sense of humor. Come to think of it she never did actually. I took a shower a went to my closet to get ready for my day at Shamber Hell High.

Well that's what I like to call it. I grabbed a dark blue romper and some wedge heels for the day. Probably not the best outfit if I'm on the run, and trust me I will be, but hey I'd like to do it in style. I got dressed went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put my hair in a fishtail braid down my back. At least I won't have hair flying in my face while I'm running.

I grabbed my black Jimme Choo bag and headed downstairs where Rebecca was already in the car putting on lip gloss.

For some reason I think lip gloss is actually alien sperm. I mean why is it so gooey right? What's wrong with chap stick? Does it not satisfy the needs of humans nowadays?

I guess the world will never know. Although I do love lip stick, lip gloss is where I draw the line. Those alien sperm bottles aren't getting anywhere near these money maker lips. I guess I may look like a girly girl on the outside, but inside I'm always the tom boy I grew up to be.

Luckily for me I have the looks for people to forsee the boyish side of me. I guess that's just all they want to see, not the real me who likes to play football, boxing, soccer, and basketball.

But hey this is America I can't force people to stop treating me like I'm a piece of porcelain. I'm a Siress for crying out loud! The only thing fragile about me is probably my hair. I snapped out of my thoughts and got into the car to get this day over with. The only thing I look forward to is seeing if I made the soccer team or not.

I hope I did. The principal can always find another soccer net and ball right? I sure as hell hoped so because I may have money, but I won't tell nobody that.

We arrived at school and I was suprised to see that nobody was in the student parking lot. Rebecca and I got out and found it completely deserted of people. There were thousands of cars parked, but where were the students?

We walked to the school entrance to find out what was going on, and found the entire school population crowded around what I guess the list on who made the soccer team.

Just then I got really nervous.What if I didn't make the team? I didn't mean to blast the net with fire it just happened! I wasn't even suppose to have my powers until my nineteenth birthday, but they just showed up unexpectedly.

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