Chapter 27

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"What the fuck you mean I'm pregnant!" I yelled at Dr. Cullen.

"I mean you are fucking pregnant." He stated calmly.


"Yes really."

I took that moment to look at Erebus to see he had a huge smile plastered onto his face.

"We're going to have a baby no twin babies." I whispered to him.

His smile widened and he kissed me passionately on the lips.

"We're having twins!!!!" He yelled happily.

Everyone in the room laughed and were overjoyed.

Now that I think about it am I really ready for a baby? Two babies?? I mean after all I'm only 19 years old.

Erebus squeezed my waist gently and I looked up at him.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"I don't know. I mean I don't know whether I'm really ready to have a baby let alone two Erebus."

"Look I know you're scared, but we'll get through this I promise. We're going to have a family together and have little ones running around calling us mommy and daddy. We're going to share that moment together. I'll be there every time you're vomiting holding your hair back, every time you want some Nutella, every craving, every contraction, every push doing labor, every scream, every cry, baby I'll be there. All you have to do is stay healthy and say you want this family as much as I do."

I looked up at him with teary eyes. That was one of the sweetest and realist things anyone has ever said to me. I nodded my head as tears danced their way down my cheeks.

"Yes. I want this family more than anything in the world. I promise to cherish each moment of this pregnancy because I know in the end we will have two beautiful healthy babies in our arms that will grow to be just as amazing and wonderful as we could ever imagine."

I saw tears streaming down Erebus' face as he pulled me into a deep hug and kissed me as if it were our last. We pulled away from each other and rested our foreheads together.

"Ooohh I'm gone be an uncle!!!" Zayn said clapping while jumping up and down.

I laughed and shook my head as Erebus wiped my tears away as I wiped his.

I sat back up and faced the doctor who was smiling at us genuinely.

"Well Cataleya I will be here every week to cheek up on you an make sure everything is going accordingly. I shall also inform you that this will not be a regular pregnancy. Instead of nine month time frame you will only be pregnant for five months at minimum. Each pregnancy is different for each supernatural. And since I have been informed that you are a Siress your pregnancy will be shortened tremendously. Your babies will grow quite rapidly so expect to go into labor in about three and a half months maybe four. If you're feeling nauseous take these pills. They're called Nicron which helps ease nausea so you can eat. Other than that get plenty of rest and stay hydrated." Dr. Cullen instructed and with that he gathered his belongings while putting the pills on the nightstand as he began walking towards the door.

"Until we meet again." And he disappeared out the bedroom door.

I took that moment to process everything Dr. Cullen just told me.

I'm going into labor in three to four months which is not long at all, I have to get plenty of rest, and I have to take pills so I can eat properly.

"How you feeling babe? Are you naseous? Hungry? Tired?" Erebus asked bombarding me with questions.

"I'm fine Erebus."

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