Chapter 18

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I sat in the living room with Erebus and Mark. All of us thinking about the new information we just figured out.

"Wow so I'm a decendant of ancient sun and moon spirits." I stated.

"Yup." Erebus said

"And I have diamonds in my blood."


"And this was all because we mated which triggered it."


"And I'm a number one target."


"Want some Nutella?"

"Yup.Wait what??"

"Nutella its this amazing hazelnut spread and they can come with these baked breadsticks I mean its like sex in your mouth once you get a taste of that shit I mean seriously." I said.

Erebus and Mark just looked at me like I said I had AIDS or something it was quite hilarious. They just continued to stare at me so I did the unthinkable I began to strip.

"Too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my pants, too sexy." I said while slowly pulling off my clothes.

In a flash Erebus had me pinned to the wall giving me a death glare.

"And all that sexy will stay under your clothes got it?" Erebus growled.

"Got it." I said in between fits of laughter.

After a while Erebus expression started to soften and he gave me the sexiest smile in the world. I almost wanted to punch him because he was so sexy. So that's what I did, I punched the living shit out of Erebus' face and he fell to the ground with a thud.

I looked up at Mark who had the most shocked looked on his face. His eyes were so wide they looked like they were about to come out of his sockets.

That's when I looked down to see Erebus holding his left cheek while on the floor staring at me like WTF.

"God your just so sexy I just love you so much I couldn't help myself." I said.

"SO YOU DECIDED TO FUCKING PUNCH ME IN THE FACE?!?!?!?!?!?" Erebus yelled at me rage clearly in his eyes.

"I'm sorry what was I suppose to do KISS YOU???!!"

Erebus stared at me like I just told him to sniff my ass. I was trying so hard to keep the smile off my face but probably ended up looking like I was constipated.

I just couldn't help it and bursted into fits of laughter so hard I fell on the floor tears streaming down my face. "Y-y-your f-f-face is hilarious." I stuttered as I tried to control myself.

In that moment Erebus was on top of me pinning me down on the floor with a dangerous glint in his eyes. At that moment I immediately stopped laughing and looked up at him.

"Now that you've had your fun its my turn." Erebus said in a low deep husky voice that sounded ohh so sexy.

I gulped loudly as he leant his head towards my face. At that moment I thought he was going to kiss me but kissed my neck instead. Soft sweet wet kisses all the way down my neck to my collarbone where he started to sucking on the skin.

I felt a shiver run down my spine in delight. His sucking slowly started to become more urgent and aggressive. He took that moment to kiss me back up my neck and suck on that little spot right under my ear and that's when I totally lost it.

I let out a moan of pleasure from all the things Erebus was doing to me. And just when I thought he was done he flicked his tongue out and and started licking my earlobe, and I'm not talking about the slobbery licks a dog gives you I mean slow sexy orgasm tongue licks.

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