Chapter 14

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Today was the day. The actual day of soccer tryouts and I couldn't help the jitters that were flying everywhere in my stomach. I can't believe the day was finally here. I couldn't flake out now I just couldn't, but what if I messed up or miss the goal or slip and miss the ball and fall on my butt and everybody laughs at me.

Cataleya get a hold of yourself for God sakes!! I finally had the courage to get out of bed and do my daily routine for school and hopped in the shower.

I got out and headed towards the closet not even really caring what I wore since I was so fucked up in the head with my nervousness I couldn't even focus.

So eventually I pulled out a NO PAIN NO GAIN t- shirt, white skinny jeans, and some blue converse, with a black jacket to go with the shoe strings of my converse to replace the white ones, because the white ones just seem to get dirtier quicker.

Here I am talking about shoe strings and yet I still can't shake the fact I'm practically vibrating from nervousness. I grabbed my Chanel bag and Nike gym bag and made my way downstairs.

To my suprise I found Rebecca in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Like I said Rebecca's burnt water before but strangely she can throw down some good ass food. I gave her a quizzical expression and she danced her way to where I was seated.

"What's all this?" I said.

"For you, I know soccer tryouts are today and I just wanted to make you a hardy breakfast for your first day of hell, so I took the liberty of making you breakfast." Rebecca said.

"Well thanks I really do appreciate it so what you got cooking for me mama." I teased.

"Well... I made something a little different from your favorite but I'm sure you'll like it just as much."

"Ohh really well I'll be the judge of that so what is this mouth watering meal."

"Its strawberry pancakes with butterfinger ice cream, hashbrowns, eggs, and sausage with whip cream on top".

I didn't even know what to say when she put the beautiful piece of heaven in front of my face. So I didn't say anything as I literally started eating it with my mouth.

"Ughhhh Cataleya use a fork." Rebecca complained.

"Fuck that fork I don't want nothing touching my peice of heaven." I said as I shoved a piece of sausage in my mouth.

Rebecca just rolled her eyes and started to clean up the kitchen.

"Well good because it took me two hours to make that after three tries and I was on the verge of giving you cereal on a silver platter."

I didn't even have time to laugh because I was so into my food. I mean I would put a carmel tux on that beauty and make us leagally married. He would sleep in the frezzer and me in the bed and I would tell him to keep his hands off the frozen peas and steaks. It would have been a beautiful three minute relationship.

Once I was finished, I started to tear up at my empty plate then looked at Rebecca who just looked amused.

"Remember when my husband was there ten minutes ago." I choked out trying to fight back my tears.

"God he just had to cheat on me with the steak!! The steak!!! I gave him the best five minutes of my life and this is how he repays me! You know what fine. FINE!! NEVER MIND I'LL FINDDDD SOMEONE LIKE YOUUUUU I WISH NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR YOUUUU TOOOOOO DON'T FORGET ME I BEG I REMEMBER YOU SAID SOMETIMES IT LAST TO LOVE BUT SOMETIMES IT HURTS INSTEAD!!" I burst out into singing Adele and bringing the waterworks.

Rebecca burst out into tears of laughter at me and grabbed my hand to force me away from the plate that once held a piece of my heart.

"Come on silly you know what they all say if you love something set it free and if it comes back to you its your's to keep."

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