Never I thought I'd say this to my teacher. .

She hummed in response. "You can go now. The week's detention isn't necessary anymore" she said calmly as she started packing her things.

I looked at her confused. What just happened?

Is she bipolar or something?

I nodded and took my bag. I glanced at her, she was preparing for next lecture with normal look on her face.

I don't get it.

"You still haven't answered my questions" I said making her to look at me.

"Well I don't want to." She said with a smug face

She was now pissing me off.

I clenched my jaw and balled my fist.

Calm down Alex.

"you were suppose to answer" I said angrily.

She just smirked, "I see, but I never said anything. You were right, let's just be professional."

I was dumbfounded. Did she just played me?

I shook my head in disbelief. Never saw it coming.

I slung my backpack and left the room without sparing a single glance to her.

Someone pushed me into the lockers hard as I was walking.

I sighed. Not again.

I already had enough for today, don't need a breakdown now.

I looked up ignoring the pain in my back and shoulder.

There they are.

Four pair of eyes looking at me, but only one caught my attention. My favourite, greyish blue. She's looking beautiful as ever. I don't think anyone can compete with her.

Then again Octavia is also beautiful. I can't tell who's more beautiful, both are equal to me.

The day Ashley proposed her 'deal', changed my perspective about her. I used to think she was just a cliché rich spoiled cheerleader but no. She's also shallow.

"You really have some guts for ignoring us" said Ashley, glaring at me.

It's sad how they live their life. It's like they've no other things to do other than bullying other people, craving fun.

Can someone borrow her some wisdom?

I smirked, "I didn't know you were craving 'my' attention" I said as I walked towards Ashley, looking directly into her greyish blue orbs.

She stiffens and I took the opportunity to get away from them.

"Wait!" I heard her shout

I turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"We still have English project due." She said crossing her arms, trying to intimidate me.

"I'll do it for both of us" I replied nonchalantly

"No I can't risk my grades, what if you do it stupidly?" She asked rhetorically

I chuckled, "I don't think anyone can do better in school work than a nerd" I said motioning at myself.

"You can still jeopardize my grades, I can't overlook" she said coldly

I shook my head in disbelief.

"Fine, give me your address and tell me time. I'll come by" I said

"Give me your phone number" she demanded

Shit! I can't really give her my number. She'll know about my secret.

It's not really a secret. Just a disguise which was supposed to help me study but instead I'm being bullied.

I sighed, "I don't have a phone, I'm old school so just say it now", I lied

Her friends started laughing at that.

"I can't believe she doesn't even own a phone. Are you that poor?" One of her friends said while laughing.

I rolled my eyes.

Ashley opened her backpack, took out a notebook and scribbled something on it.

She tore that page and gave it to me.

I took it and looked at it.

It was her address.

"Come by 5 today, don't be late" she said sternly

I nodded and ran fast before they hurt me again.

I thought they might beat me but at the end it didn't happen.

I didn't know she'd react to my flirting.

I slowed down and went towards the way to my house.

Can't really run on the road.

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