"That's why you're in their uniform? Are you and Nick doing things behind my back!" She almost shouts at me. My eyes instantly widen.

"Well, it's good to know that your crush on him is still apparent. But no, nick and I weren't doing anything, other then talking and eating chocolate frogs. I just forgot they had a password and well, I got drenched in vinegar, so Nick leant me some clothes. No big deal."

"Okay then, snow dropped off two letters for you by the way, I think one was from your dad." As soon as she finished, I raced to my dorm to open the letters.

When I got upstairs, I saw that the two letters were placed on my bed, I grabbed the top one - which happened to be from my father- and tore it open.

My dearest Danielle,

I'm glad all of your friends got to Hogwarts safe and sound this year. I'm sorry that you had to deal with nick's girlfriend on the first day, I know how much you dislike her, and I can see why you get so angry that she's with nick. I would feel the same.

Your mother and I have been very busy the last few days, it seems like everyone at the ministry is going wild since the school year started, luckily hermione has things under control. Your mother and I have also started planning our move over the next summer, we thing that we've finally found a place that all of us will be happy.

You didn't mention how your brothers are getting on, but I can only assume that they haven't burnt the school down yet, as I haven't been called in to deal with McGonagall.

I was rather curious about the three boys you mentioned, as they seem to be related to previous wizards that I have known through my life, however when I looked them up, there are no records of these boys. I have sent a letter to professor Longbottom, asking him about the boy who shares the same last name, hopefully he will get back to me soon. I have also been contemplating whether I should ask Draco malfoy about the boy, but I'm afraid that he wouldn't reply, and it would just cause more tension. Perhaps you could ask scorpius to ask his father, as he would probably be the best bet at getting a reply.

I've also spoken to your grandmother, and she has agreed to letting you spend the holiday at the burrow, however your brothers will not be allowed to attend, as I'm sure by the end of term, I will have to discipline them anyway. George wrote to me before you left for school and begged me to let you work with him again, so I just had to say yes to him.

When you want to decide on a quidditch position, always go with what feels right, your heart will never steer you wrong.

Dad (Harry Potter)

I smile at his sign off, and have a mini celebration that I can go and stay with grandma during the break.

I then grab the other letter - looking at the writing on the front - my name - it's easy to tell this was from uncle George. But just from the feeling of the letter, I could tell that there were other contents in here - other then paper.

I rip the letter open, and a small vial of amortentia falls into my lap. I hold it up to the light and see the familiar potion bubbling inside of it.

I put the vial down and open the letter.

Dear Dani

That seems like a strange school project, but if it's one that involves my business, well how could I turn the opportunity down.

This particular love potion was invented by Laverne de Montmorency in the late 1800s. Due to its level of difficulty, the potion was only available to those who had the right set of skills.

But of course when Fred and I opened the shop, we made it available to anyone who had the money. We didn't know it at the time, but this potion was something that shouldn't have been sold to anyone. Through the few short years that the original potion was on our shelves, there were more fatalities then I would like to admit.

I had heard stories of people going through extreme lengths, because of the potion. I never believed them until Ron himself, nearly died as an indirect cause of the potion.

In 1999 the ministry of magic wrote a new set of laws - mostly because of the wizarding war of the previous year. In these laws, one specifically said that the use of amortentia was forbidden and that the ministry had some sort of tracing device, so that any known cases of the potion would be destroyed. So we headed all of our products over, and started working on a potion that would be less harmful, but just as appealing. I decided to call it by the same name, because it is a love potion after all.

The current amortentia potion we sell, is only about 1/8 as powerful as the original.

I hope that information helps you with your project.

Lots of love
George Weasley

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن