18-The Plan

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      18-The Plan

It had been hours since Raven and Kenzy had gone to pick up Aria but Xepher was still nervous. None of the guys had heard from the girls and now they stood, awkwardly in the makeshift dance hall, wearing borrowed or rented suits as they waited. It wasn't a half bad winter dance if Xepher was being honest. The decorations were a mix of white, pale blue, and dark blue accents. A DJ stood at the front playing some 'school-appropriate' music and students joked, dance, and talked throughout the gymnasium.

"I feel awkward." Marco grumbled and Jax chuckled. Marco had put on a dark blue suit white a pale pink tie. His date was Kenzy and according to her, they had to match, though she wouldn't show the guys her dress. Actually, none of the girls had revealed their outfits. Something about it being a surprise. Jax wore what Raven told him to, a simple black suit with a dark red tie. Raven had told Xepher to find a dark green suit, and though it had been difficult, he had done just that, a simple black tie around his neck. He hadn't argued and Xepher knew that both of his best friends and himself were more than excited to see the women they liked in their dresses. None of them had ever attended a school function like this, so it was new to all of them and there was a sense of giddiness in the air.

"We all do Marco, let's just hope they accomplished the goal." Jax answered as he drank some punch from his small glass.

The sound of the gymnasium door opening caught their attention, and the three men turned. What Xepher saw would be in his mind for the rest of his life. The three girls they'd all been waiting for entered the room, and it seemed as though the whole crowd noticed. Kenzy's pixie cut brown hair shone, wearing a royal blue floor length dress. It had a halter top strap and shaped her well. Her eyeshadow matched the blue dress, and her pale pink shoes matched the tie she'd given Marco. Raven wore a pure black mini dress that ruffled at the skirt, blood red boot heels around her ankles, her eyeshadow smokey with a touch of red, her lips matching. Her long hair was in a ponytail, swinging behind her.

As lovely as they looked, Xepher wasn't nearly as aware of them as he was of his Aria. She wore a deep green mermaid-floor-length dress. It had two straps that wrapped around her delicate shoulders and hugged her small hourglass frame devilishly. She seemed taller, and that seemed to be due to the black heels she wore, barely visible from the mermaid-like tail of the dress. Her eyeshadow, like the two other girls, matched the color they wore, and brightened her eyes exponentially. Her hair was down, flowing around her in larger curls, shining in the lights and the necklace around her petite neck sparkled.

"Sweet Jesus." Jax muttered to himself as they approached, Marco grunting his response. Xepher couldn't say anything and when he moved, it was like he had no control over himself. He walked up to the girls, Aria's face lighting up as she looked at Xepher. Her smile made his heart pound and demolished any second thoughts to his next actions.

"Hi Xe-" But she didn't finish as Xepher grabbed her cheeks gently in his hands and laid his lips on hers.

Aria was shocked by Xepher's actions, and if the gasps around them were anything to go by, everyone that saw was just as surprised. However, Aria didn't think about everyone else in that moment because his lips were on hers, and she'd been craving this since the first time their lips touched. Her palms rested on his chest as she leaned into the kiss. She had hoped tonight would give them the chance for this moment, she just hadn't expected it to happen so quickly.

One of Xepher's hands reaching the nape of her neck and gripped her hair gently, causing a shiver to run down her spine as his tongue touched her lips. She gasped, surprised and he took that chance to make their tongues meet. They melted together until Aria could barely breathe. Just as she needed to come up for air, Xepher pulled back, his forehead resting on hers. Aria smiled as both their chests rose and fell as they tried to regain their breath.

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