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Xepher's mind was racing as he jumped into the back of the ambulance, Aria still unconscious on the stretcher. He looked up at his father, who's face was pale, eyes seemingly haunted. Xepher understood why. When Xepher slammed through the front door, the image in front of him was something he'd never forget. There'd been so much blood, and the man knelt over her in only boxer shorts, her pants ripped from her body.

Daniel had been surprised by the door opening, and immediately turned and ran. They'd all seen it, and the moment he ran, Jax and Marco took off after him. His dad was on the phone with 911, and the sound of sirens filled the air as Xepher knelt down beside Aria, trying to keep her awake. But he couldn't. With all the blood loss it was no wonder she was out cold now as the ambulance doors began to close.

"We'll meet you at the hospital." His dad called out. Xepher nodded before he lost sight of his father and the ambulance took off. Xepher felt his phone vibrating in his pocket then. He pulled it out and saw Raven's caller ID. He answered.

"Is she okay? Please, tell me she's okay." Raven choked out between sobs. Xepher felt it then, like a punch to his gut and he felt the stinging pain of tears in his eyes. He looked at Aria as the EMT tried to clean her back of all the blood.

"Xepher!" Raven snapped, bringing his attention back to her.

"I-I don't know Raven. We're almost at the hospital now, just meet us there." He said before hanging up and resting his head in his hands. He still couldn't get her scream out of his head.

When Jax arrived at Xepher's, both of his friends followed him into the house. Xepher felt sick to his stomach as they entered his home, know what Aria was going to do soon. He looked at the clock on the entertainment center in the living room. 11:45. Not much time left, he couldn't waste a single moment of it.

"Dad!" He hollered, entering the dining room, searching for his father. He walked past Grace's room, watching her favorite show, Supernatural.

"Dad!" He called louder this time. The sound of his parent's bedroom door opening made him look up.

"What's wrong?" His father asked, a book in hand, glasses in the other. His eyes were full of worry as he looked at him and his friends.

"Wait, so you're telling me that this man has been violating her for seven years? Why didn't you tell me as soon as you found out, we could've helped!" His father bellowed, making the boys wince.

"She didn't want us to Dad. I wanted to, honestly, we all did, but she wasn't ready. He's been threatening her mother, then me. She's been waiting for a chance to have evidence. And that's where you come in." Xepher answered.

"So, let me get this straight, we have to sit here and listen to him violating her again?" He asked and Xepher ran his hand through his hair, exasperated.

"You think I want to do this? Look, if we leave now, we could make it to her house and call the cops on the way. If we time it right, we could hear enough and stop him before it got too far. Please, Dad, will you help us?" He asked and his father's eyes softened, then he stood.

"Let's go." He said, throwing on a leather jacket. Xepher stood, Jax and Marco following his lead, still in their dance attire. He glanced at the clock once more. 11:55.

"Hang on Baby, we're coming."

At 11:57 the call came in, and they were loaded up in the truck, about to take off. Xepher answered immediately. He'd tried to reason with her, but she wasn't having it. He reluctantly put the phone on mute, so no sounds would come through from their end and he nodded to Jax. Time to go. Xepher and his father sat in the back seat as Xepher put the phone on speaker.

Her Savior (Book Two Of The Brave Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora