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Aria woke the next morning to the light coming in through the window. She stretched, feeling a tightness in her back, but otherwise okay. The doctor had told her that she'd be released today, her mom was going to pick her up after work. She smiled, happy to finally be leaving. She looked back to find Xepher still asleep and decided to get up. She quietly unwove herself from him and stood, feeling relieved at the strength she felt in her limbs.

She glanced up, noticing the snow falling through the open curtains of the window and walked over. The ground was layered with fresh snow, the trees beyond the hospital's perimeter layered with the soft white coat as well. It almost felt like those times her and her dad had played out in it. She missed him, so much, and she couldn't help but wonder what her life would be like now if cancer hadn't taken him.

Aria noticed something move out of the corner of her eye and looked over. Far off, along the forest's edge, was a figure. It was small from this distance, but Aria knew it was a human. They were dressed all in black, a hood over their head and Aria felt something in her stomach twist. She stood, watching the figure as it lifted it's hands, and shrugged off the hood. Aria's breath froze. Daniel. He then put one of his arms out and pointed at her, like it was a gun.

"Aria?" Aria turned at the sound of Xepher's voice. He was sitting up in bed, hair a mess, as he rubbed his eyes. Aria turned back to look outside, but he was gone, as if he wasn't there to begin with.

"Aria, Baby Girl, is everything okay?" She felt him come up beside her, his hand on her shoulder. She nodded.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay, I just-I swear I-he was right there." She pointed outside, where he'd been standing.

"Are you certain?" Xepher asked, worry in his voice. Aria nodded and watched as Xepher ran outside the room, returning a moment later with one of the officers that stood guard. She was young, with dark hair in a tight bun and worry on her face. She came up to Aria.

"Where?" She asked and Aria pointed once more. She nodded and left the room, speaking into the talkie on her shoulder.

"Aria, stay away from the window." She said before closing the door. Xepher closed the blinds and pulled Aria from the window. She was quiet, and that scared him.

"Aria, it's okay. You're safe. Okay?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine." And somehow, she was. His appearance didn't scare her like she thought it would. Instead she felt rage and deep down she felt satisfaction. They'd said he wouldn't be able to stay hidden. He'd show himself and it would be his undoing. It only took a week, and he was back. They'd catch him.

"I'm going to take a shower." Xepher stepped back then, looking over her before nodding and leaning down, kissing her head softly.

"I'll be here when you get out." Aria nodded, grabbed some fresh clothes, and entered the bathroom.

Xepher watched her enter the closed off restroom and sighed. Daniel was already showing his face, and that meant that they'd catch him soon. Aria seemed to understand that. He hadn't seen fear in her eyes when he'd pulled her from the window. Instead he said anger, and then the slight smile on her lips. She understood just as well as he did that his appearance was a good thing. Still though, it didn't make the knot in his stomach loosen even a little bit.

Xepher's phone buzzed, and he looked to see a message from Raven.

Raven: We're here!

Her Savior (Book Two Of The Brave Series)Where stories live. Discover now