24-Quality Time

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24-Quality Time

Aria felt better with each passing day. Her body was healing, and this had been the longest she'd gone without Daniel injuring her in some way in such a long time that she wasn't used to it. She was also bored out of her mind. Xepher and the group took turns visiting before or after school and stayed as long as they could, but that left at least a nine-hour gap. Her mother would visit on her lunch breaks, but that was only for a handful of minutes at a time, though she cherished them. They had gone too long without speaking and it seemed like they just couldn't catch up. Aria was okay with that though, as long as she was safe and smiling.

Mostly she filled her time with studying or reading, her mother had spoken with the principle about special circumstances and since she was so far ahead, it hadn't been much of an issue. She did everything she could to keep her mind off the 'what ifs' as the days passed and there were no signs of Daniel's capture. They figured he was in hiding, but due to his instability, he would have to slip up eventually. Wouldn't he?

"Oh, this is one of my favorite parts! He screams like a little girl, it's so funny!" Grace's voice brought Aria back to the present. Mrs. Laine had dropped her off a few hours ago since she'd had a half day at school, and she said she'd wanted to visit. She'd brought the first season of her favorite show on DVD and handfuls of junk food. They'd been watching it for a couple of hours now, Grace lying beside her on the bed while telling her all about the show. Aria knew more from her than what the show offered but she was fine with it. She was an only child and hadn't thought much about what it would be like to have a sibling. With Grace here, she realized what it was like, and it made her smile.

The part Grace spoke of happened and they both laughed together, though the movement made her back ache lightly. Her mood shifted then, as she imagined the damage Daniel had done. It could be removed, yes, but how long would she have to look at her reflection and see his name there? How long until they caught him? How long until this was finally, truly over? All of those thoughts floated through her mind, her eyes feeling heavy. She was just, so tired. Before she knew it, her eyes were closing, and sleep overtook her.

Xepher was fairly irritable by the time the final bell came around. All morning, his best friends had been in their own worlds with their girls. They barely even acknowledged each other. They were too busy being lovey-dovey with each other to say hello. To be fair, he was sure that's how he'd be with Aria, but he couldn't, not with her holed up in the hospital for a few more days. He hadn't been able to stay the night since the first time either cause he'd had to study for the midterms before winter break.

Tonight though, he planned to stay, having gotten Raven's mom to approve it again. His dad was waiting for him in the parking lot as he walked outside of the school. He waved over to his friends to say bye, but they were busy. Jax was leaning on the front of his truck with Raven pressed against him, Marco had Kenzy wrapped around him like a snake. He quickly looked away. Too much, too much for his eyes. Hopefully, they'd calm down soon cause as much as he loved them, he didn't think he nor Aria could stomach that much PDA.

"Hey kiddo." His dad said as Xepher opened the door to the SUV and got inside.

"Hey Dad, thanks for picking me up."

"No problem." He said as they got onto the road. The silence stretched between them. Until his dad broke it.

"Xepher, I just want you to know that I'm really proud of you. You helped the girl you love and have stuck by her through such a hard time. You've really grown." Xepher was surprised. His dad wasn't exactly much of a talker, and though he loved his dad, and he knew his dad loved him, they just didn't have these heart to hearts.

Her Savior (Book Two Of The Brave Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora