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Aria quickly grabbed what little items she had and put her, now clean, jeans from Friday on, having no choice but to keep on Xepher's black t-shirt as the jackets she'd been wearing were destroyed.

"Aria, you can't go, it's not safe." Xepher said, trying to grip her arm. She pulled away from him, even as she wished she didn't. She wanted to go back to where they were a few moments prior to her whole world being ripped from under her. She'd finally found someone who respected her boundaries, that cared for her, that protected rather than hurt and violated her, and Daniel was taking it away. He really was a twisted bastard.

"Aria, don't worry about me, I can handle him." She shook her head. He'd told her too many times the ways he would hurt her mother. He even laughed. He was sick, and every time she disobeyed him, she risked hurting her mother. She couldn't risk Xepher too. Damnit, she cursed herself silently, she should've just kept her distance, then Daniel would have never put Xepher on his radar. She felt tears surface and nearly choked back a sob. She could never forgive herself if she let Xepher get hurt.

Aria made her way out of Xepher's room, through the kitchen where they'd cooked breakfast together, through the living room where they cuddled in the cold while watching horror films. She committed every moment to memory, knowing that it would most likely be the last time she could have something so wonderful. When she got into that car, she shook her head, she really didn't want to think of what would happen. She'd never disobeyed Daniel so much, had never made him so angry.

When she reached for the front door's handle and tried to open it, it slammed shut hard. She looked up to find Xepher's strong arm shaking as he held the door shut. She closed her eyes tightly. She couldn't look at him. She knew she would cave in her decisions if she did. She couldn't allow that to happen. Her body froze entirely when he rested his head on her shoulder.

"Aria, please." His voice cracked. Even with the beatings, the abuse, and all the pain she felt, Aria didn't think she'd hurt this much before. She took a deep breath and reached up, unhooking the necklace from her body. Without looking at him she tried to hang it over his arm, trying to cut him off entirely. He didn't need to know how hard this was for her. His other hand caught hers and he quickly shoved the necklace in her front right pocket.

"Don't you dare Aria. Keep it, forever. It's yours. If you can't keep it on around him, don't, but promise me. Promise you'll where it when I see you. You're still my girl. Promise me!" He said through gritted teeth. She nodded, caving slightly. She could do that. He seemed to let out a breath as he backed up.

"I will have Raven send you my number, I know you have each other's. When you're ready, call." He said. She nodded once more, before opening the door, the bitter cold biting into her fragile body. This weekend had allowed her to heal quite a bit, but that meant nothing now. She knew she would be right back to where she was before she got to Xepher's. She heard a yip behind her, knowing Blu was trying to run to her. It took every ounce of willpower not to turn around when she saw the, all too familiar, sedan parked on the side of the road. The sidewalks were full of dirty snow that had been plowed to clear said road. She looked into the vehicle to see Daniel staring at her. He was fuming, but to others he would look like an upset father figure. Bull, Aria thought as she opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat. She risked a look up to Xepher, but didn't get single glimpse as Daniel sped off. She kept her gaze focused out the window.

They hadn't gotten through the block before she felt his hand wrap into her hair. She winced at the sudden pain but ignored it as he forced her to look him in the eyes. His blue eyes raged as he flicked his gaze between her and the road. Xepher was shockingly close to her, a few blocks difference really and it was an odd relief. Daniel smiled then and Aria knew things would indeed get much worse. He kept his painful grip on her as he drove, his hand shaking as he didn't speak. Aria wanted to smile as her hand pressed into the necklace in her pocket, the memories of Xepher's kiss on her lips.

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