19-Thank You

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             19-Thank You

Aria stood outside the house, the cold air whipping around her. On the drive home, she had changed in the backseat of the car into something she could run and move freely in. A pair of running sneakers, a simple zip up hoodie and sweatpants, courtesy of Raven's mother. She checked her phone, noticing it was almost time. 11:57. Her phone beeped then.

Raven: Home and ready. I don't like this Aria.

Aria: It'll be okay.

She responded with those words, but she wasn't even sure if it would be okay. She was putting herself in a position she never wanted to be in in the first place, however her fear was nothing compared to the anger that rested deep in her stomach from the words Daniel had whispered to her before she had left with Raven and Kenzy.

They've been added to the list.

No one was safe if Daniel was in her life and she was sick of it. She wouldn't let him hurt anyone she loved. Ever. Aria dialed the number listened to it ring only once before Raven picked up the line.

"Ready." She said.

"Okay, one second." Aria responded as she pulled back the phone and called the other number. It too, only rang once.

"Aria, please, think clearly about this!" Xepher said as she put the key in the door.

"Just listen, if he hears you, it'll be over." She said as she opened the door, her heart pounding as she tucked the phone into her jacket pocket. She prayed this worked, because if it didn't or if something went wrong, then she had no idea what she would do. Before the door closed fully, she saw movement out of the corner of her eyes. She looked up to see Daniel standing in the archway, blocking her from getting to the staircase.

"You're home!" He said, his voice sweet, and she noticed then that he wore only boxers. She could smell cologne on him, and she wanted to gag. He really did plan to do this now. Aria cleared her throat and began to walk up to where he stood.

"Yes. I am pretty tired; I think I'll go to bed." She said, an attempt to get him to move. He didn't, as expected. Instead he took in a breath, his eyes hardening as he looked down at her. Before she could blink, his hand was around her throat, her back meeting the wall with such force that she coughed whatever air she had in her lungs up. His nose was in her neck, sniffing her.

"You smell like another man, Aria." He tsked and her blood ran cold.

"You were with the boy, weren't you? That Xepher kid."

"He i-s my boyfriend. So, y-yes." She choked out, knowing it would enrage him. She was right. He roared out his fury before lifting his hand and slamming his open palm across her face. Her lip split for probably the tenth time that month and she tasted the blood in her mouth as he through her to the ground. He knelt above her then, using his body weight to pin her down.

"You're mine! Do you understand? Mine!" He hollered as he gripped her throat once more and forced a kiss on her. She twisted her head away then tilted her head back before slamming her forehead into the fragile part of his nose. He cried out as blood came from his nose and gave her enough leeway to get out from underneath him.

"I am not yours." She spoke clearly, even as she knew her voice was rasped from his choking. "You've been violating me for seven years now. No more Daniel." She heard him laugh, the sound making her body shiver at the sound. He stood then, towering over her and she felt a sliver of fear shoot through her. His eyes were crazy.

"Violating? I'm not violating what's mine, Aria. You belong to me. Since we met all those years ago, I knew we were soulmates. I've been kind waiting this long. You just don't want to see that do you?" He asked, taking a step towards her. She planted one foot behind her, bringing her arms up in a fighting stance. He paused, and then she watched as his eyes turned cold, a smile coming to his lips, smeared with his nose blood.

"You aren't going to understand with him in the way. All of them. I'll kill all of them, everyone that's trying to take you away from me, then I'll take you away from here. In time, you'll understand. You'll see that we belong together." He reached out and tried to touch her face, but Aria smacked his hand away.

"Don't touch me! You disgust me. You're a monster!" She hollered as her emotions began to get the best of her. She could handle the abuse and threats to her, but not to the people she loved. It had to end. His was furious, his nostrils flaring as he reached out and snatched a handful of her hair painfully in his hand. She cried out, but it was cut short as he punched her in the stomach. No air left in her, she fell to the ground, trying to take in a breath, desperately. She tried to crawl to the door, away from him, but the grip on her ankle told her she wasn't getting away. She let out a gargled scream with what little air she could regain but it was cut off short when she turned, and his hand connected with her face again. Blood filled her mouth as black dots surrounded her vision. She felt hazy as she tried to kick at him.

"N-no!" She cried out, trying to back away from him but his foot came out, slamming into her back. Her screamed was cut off at the sound of a pocketknife snapping open and the sound of her shirt being torn from the back. Then, as if she didn't hurt enough, she felt the blade digging into her back. Aria let out a blood-curdling scream as he carved into her body.

"You're mine Aria. Now, do you understand? After this, I'll take what belongs to me. Then, we'll leave. I'll come back for the others when everything calms. That way, no one can taint you." He said as he kissed her head, her screaming continuing as he continued his cuts. She felt sick, she held back the bile in her throat as she forced herself to stay awake, trying to get away.

Daniel gripped her hair painfully in one hand, his knee on her lower back as he scarred her more. Finally, she felt the knife pull away, landing on the floor next to her head, bloodied. She felt his breath on her ear, even as she felt her eyes starting to close. It took everything in her to stay awake. If she passed out now, it would be over. She wasn't ready to admit defeat yet, even as her back throbbed painfully and she felt the blood dripping from her. He forced her onto her back, her throat letting out another scream as her new wounds pressed into the dirty hardwood.

Faintly, she heard the tear of the sweatpants she wore, and it brought her closer to consciousness. She kicked her legs, a feeble attempt to get him away, but he merely chuckled as he gripped her chin tightly in his hand.

"Now, you're mine. Forever." He said. She felt so weak, she didn't know what else to do. She couldn't do anything, it was over. She thought she was strong enough to fight him off, hoped she'd get away and there'd be enough evidence and witnesses that he would be put away. She was wrong. So wrong. Tears formed in her eyes then, and spilled from her bruised cheeks, cold against her skin. She failed. He was going to win.

"I'm sorry Xepher." She whimpered and she felt herself being pulled into the dark unconsciousness.

The sound of the door behind her slamming open registered vaguely in her mind. Daniel stood then, immediately running from the room and away from her weak body, disappearing somewhere in the house. She didn't pay much attention to where he went, because seconds later, the one person she wanted to see most in the world, knelt about her. He took her hand in his, his face full of horror.

"Aria, Aria! Tell me what he did." She smiled then, lifting her shaking hand and pressing it to his cheek.

"He...he didn't win." Xepher nodded.

"He didn't, Baby Girl. Now, tell me what he did. The ambulance is one the way, along with the police."

"Good. I'm tired." She mumbled, unable to speak coherently any longer. She just wanted to sleep.

"Aria, no, you have to stay up." Xepher cried out, but it sounded like a whisper to her.

"Thank you." She said, before letting the darkness consume her.

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