1-A Night's Silence

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       1-A Night's Silence

As a child, Aria Nightingale was a happy and boisterous little girl. She had a loving mother and father, people who surrounded her with everything she needed in this life to be content with it. But everything changed in the blink of an eye. She lost that happiness; she lost that innocence and naivety of the world around her. And then she lost her voice. For nearly seven years now Aria had been silent, unable to utter a single word because if she did, that would put what was left of what she loved in danger. So, she stayed silent to the world around her, allowing herself to be hurt over and over again for the sake of what she cared most for. But silence could only last for so long, and with her world turning upside down in a fraction of a second, it could last even less.

Aria currently lay in bed, pretending to be asleep. She could feel his eyes on her. She could hear his breathing. She forced her own to stay steady, hoping that he wouldn't notice that his unwelcome entrance into her room woke her. His footsteps echoed menacingly in the darkness as her body tightened involuntarily. When the covers where pulled down her body, she fought back a shiver as the winter's air chilled her to the bone. Then she felt it. The cold metal of a blade lifting up the back of her shirt. Her eyes squeezed tightly as the searing pain began. She felt his breath on her neck as he whispered to her, "I know you're awake."

Sometimes she was able to keep her emotions in check and not respond. She could put herself into a mental oasis, away from all the awful things that were happening to her until it was all over and sometimes it felt like it never happened. Then there were the times where the utter disgust and terror at what was about to happen overtook her and her fight instinct kicked in. That was never a good thing because when that happened, he'd hurt her more with his favorite knife. Somewhere that she could easily see the pain he could inflict on her and those around her. It didn't happen often, but it happened now. With a whimper, Aria sat up and pulled herself away from the terrible man, covering her already pajama clad body with the comforter again. She could hear the menacing chuckle that sent a different kind a fearful shiver down her spine.

"Such a pretty little thing. I can't wait until I can have you. Until then, come here pretty girl." Aria knew what h would do, something that left her feeling dirty and disgusted with herself. So, she shook her head. That wasn't the answer he wanted though, and the look of fury on his face in that moment made her nearly regret the decision to go against him again. Almost.

The monster reached out and gripped her right wrist painfully in his hand and yanked her to him.

"Now, Aria, I thought we discussed this. When you say no, it upsets me and when you upset me, you get hurt." He said it so coolly that Aria knew what was coming. She shook her head, pleading with him, but before she could try and fight it, the blade was already in the skin of her forearm, slicing through the flesh from the inside of her elbow to her wrist, careful of the artery there. Sometimes she'd wished he would slip up, and make the numbness inside her stop forever, but then who would protect her mom from this monster's wrath?

The pain was excruciating, but not a single sound came from her mouth. Blood dripped from her back and arm as he told her to turn around and lay back down with just a flick of his wrist. She listened this time, fighting back the tears that came every time she was violated like this. When he was finished, she felt his lean back down to her and whispered into her ear.

"Now clean up sweet girl, its almost time for you to get up and go to school. Until next time." He kissed her neck and Aria listened intently to the sound of his footsteps leaving until the door closed behind him. She instantly jumped out from the bed and ran to the bathroom that attached to her bedroom. She was lucky enough to have it. She couldn't imagine if she had to walk across the halls more than she did already with him here. She'd tried locking her bedroom door, but that only made the next morning so much worse for herself.

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