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Dinner went by in a flash and everyone seemed to enjoy the food. They ate the pie that the Laine's brought and joke like the families had known each other for years. The only downfall was that throughout the meal Aria could feel Daniel's eyes on her. It made chills race down her spine as she forced herself not to look up at him.

The adults were in the living room now, talking about the coming trip, suitcases surrounding them. Grace had excused herself to the restroom, so Aria began cleaning. She had just brought the last dirty dish from the table to the kitchen and sat it in the soap and water filled sink when she felt someone behind her. She tensed, thinking it was Daniel.

"Dinner tonight was delicious." Xepher's voice echoed through the silent room and she felt her body loosen. She didn't want him to see how much he affected her, so she simply nodded and continued doing the dishes. She was halfway done and had been quiet for a few moments, so she had assumed he had left the room and joined the adults laughing in the other room. She was wrong.

Aria felt his arms wrap around her waist and she froze. He buried his head into her neck and pulled her tightly into his body. Aria let out a sudden and soft squeak, more than she ever had let out since before her silence, shocking herself. She didn't want to move. He was so warm, and so comfortable and she was oddly in such peace right there, she didn't know what to do. Then he spoke.

"What happened, Aria? Why are you silent?" he whispered in her ear. Aria shut her eyes tightly, fending off the memories. Fending off the fear. She took a deep breath and forced herself to step away from his embrace. She had to because she wanted more than anything to tell him and that terrified her. As much as he promised to be with her, she had to cut off whatever was going on between the two of them. It was going to get her in trouble, or more so, her mother.

"Aria." He whispered, his fingers grazing her elbow. She jerked away from him and though it pained her, she pointed to the doorway that led to the living room while shaking her head, telling him to go away.

"Aria don't pull aw-" She slammed her hand on the counter and pointed to the living room. He sighed and turned, leaving without another word. Aria continues to do her chores.

"So, you and my brother, huh?" Aria jumped at the new presence and turned to see the little sister, Grace, walking towards her. She came up to her side and grabbed the dish towel, drying the dishes without looking away with an expectant look on her face. Aria shook her head.

"Do you want to be?" she asked, and Aria shook her head.

"How come?" Aria shrugged, unable to explain why.

"Well, I think you would make a cute couple." She said nonchalantly. Aria nodded, though not in agreement. She and Xepher were polar opposites, and she was someone impossible to be with. How could he be with someone like her? Especially after she forced him away from her, not to mention that he just caught his ex-girlfriend cheating on him that very same day. It was unlikely.

"Thank you for dinner by the way. I know you didn't know when you were making it, but I hate vegetables and yams most of all. Until I ate the ones you made. It actually tasted really good, flavorful, even." Aria smiled slightly, and Grace did as well as she dried the last dish.

"I like you Aria." She simply said, "You should smile more often too. Its pretty, even if it's a small one." Aria nodded.

"Aria!" Her mom came through the doorway, poking her head in.

"We are about to head out, since the boys already packed the truck. Come say good-bye." Aria nodded again and turned to Grace, who grabbed her hand without hesitation. Aria let the young teen drag her through the halls and out the door to find Mr. Laine and Daniel speaking off to the side, Xepher, on his own, leaning against their family vehicle.

Her Savior (Book Two Of The Brave Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن