(Story) I'm Fine, Don't Worry About it

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Your pov

Whoosh! The spear went whipping past your head, just grazing your loose hair. You let out a sigh of relief when you realized that you hadn't been impaled by it. You stabbed the nearest earthborn and shot another one. You spun around to check on Leo. You saw him, lying on the ground. You ran over dropping your bow without thinking and dropped down to his side. The spear that had so narrowly missed you was firmly embedded in his stomach.

"Leo! My gods." You said nervously.

"Hey. Wassup?" He replied, cracking a grin. You didn't smile back as you ripped off a strip of your sweatshirt to slow the blood flow. He was losing a lot of blood very quickly and as you sat there you saw his messy white shirt and overalls slowly turn a deep red spreading out through the cloth like creeping vines.

You called for Nico and he shadow travelled to camp half blood with the two of you. You shouted hoarsely for Chiron and he came running. He threw Leo onto his back and galloped off to the Apollo cabin.

The next few days were the tensest of your life. But finally Will came to see you. You ran out of the cabin, looking worriedly for any signs on his face but it was blank. "Hey, it's ok. He's gonna make it." You gave a small shriek and hugged Will quickly before running off to see Leo.

Sixty years later you were sitting at the side of the same guy. Leo's legs had never recovered but he built himself a new pair of legs so he could still walk. Now Leo was seventy-six and was suffering from some extreme lung problems that had occurred when he tried to make Festus breath hotter flames and Leo had inhaled a huge amount of smoke. His physical health had gone downhill from there until he had to be moved to a permanent bed in the camp hospital. When Piper died his mental health started to fall apart too.

You sat there, chilly, holding Leo's hand and listening for every Beep, a signal that his heart was still going. It felt like an eternity before each next beep. Leo's eyes slowly opened and he cracked a small smile when he saw you sitting there. His face had crinkly smile lines all around his eyes and his curly hair had gone a bright white and stuck out like Einstein's. You told him so.

"So, I know I'm going to die soon, maybe even today. . . " He started but you cut him off. "No, no, no. You still have quite a ways left. "Don't interrupt please, that's my job." You nodded. Beep "As I was saying I will die soon and you know where my will is but I have one more request." He said. Beep "Anything." You croaked, a tear dripping down your cheek. Beep "I don't want you to be sad." He reached up and put a wrinkled hand on your cheek. "Remember the good things about me. My amazing jokes, my insanely good looks, all of that." He was smiling and crying too. Beep "Yeah. Sure." You managed to say. You gripped his hand tighter feeling like he was about to slip away. "I'll wait for you in Elysium." Beep You nodded again. "Would you sing for me-" He broke into a coughing fit. "-please?"

You swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat and began to sing.


You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Because I'll tell you every day

Beep As soon as he heard your voice his eyes drifted closed and a small smile appeared on his face. It was a song you had always sung to him, but you had changed the lyrics a bit to make it happier.

The other night dear, as I lay sleepin'

I dreamed, I held you in my arms

When I awoke dear, I was mistaken

And so I hung my head and I cried

Beep You kept having to clear your throat to keep from crying.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Because I'll tell you every day

Once you got to the end, you started over, this time in Spanish. Beep

Eres mi brillo de sol Mi único brillo de sol

Me haces feliz cuando el cielo está gris

Nunca sabrás cariño, cuanto te amo

Porque te lo diré todos los días

You were choking back tears now but the machine kept beeping. Beep

La otra noche querida, mientras dormía

Soñé, te sostuve en mis brazos

Cuando desperté querido, estaba equivocado

Y entonces bajé la cabeza y lloré


Eres mi brillo de sol Mi único brillo de sol

Me haces feliz cuando el cielo está gris

Nunca sabrás cariño, cuanto te amo

Porque te lo diré todos los días

You stopped, not sure what to do. He squished your hand and you decided to keep singing.


As you began again in English, you brushed his forehead softly tucking his curly hair behind his ears.


You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Because I'll tell you every day


The other night dear, as I lay sleepin'

I dreamed, I held you in my arms

When I awoke dear, I was mistaken

And so I hung my head and I cried


You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Because I'll tell you every day






The alarm started beeping like crazy and doctors began rushing in but you just leant down and placed a kiss on his forehead, glad his eyes were closed, and gently took his quickly cooling hand from yours. You stood up creakily and shuffled toward the door. A few tears leaked out but you remembered what he had said and thought about all the good times you had spent together. Swimming in that waterfall. Him trying to teach you how to build a remote control car. Tickle wars. Midnight crying. Races to the beach. Random picnics.

So many memories. You sighed. See you soon! You though, a last message to his spirit wherever it was.

Word count: 1038

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