(Pothena, Requested) Why does my Stomach Feel like it's Carbonated ?

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Requested by: percyJackson1365

My daughter and the Percy kid had been in Tartarus for days now and it was wearing me thin. I felt frayed around the edges like a worn out cloth. I had tried to sit still going or read or sew but I couldn't manage any of those and fell back on just watching and pacing.

I was doing just this when Poseidon, the Lord of small talk, jokes, and other infuriating things, came in. My usual strategy was to ignore him, it usually worked best, but as I said before I was a bit, ah, ill-tempered?

"What?" I snapped but regretted it a little when I actually saw him. I'd only given the cocky god a glance when he came in but on further inspection he looked worn and exhausted and I felt a pang of sympathy. As soon as he began talking it vanished quite quickly.

"You're going to wear a hole in the floor of you keep doing that." He announced with his grin. The grin did not reach his eyes though. I didn't bother to respond to his comment.

"Why did you have to talk?" I said, trying to sound less exasperated than I was.

"You're the one who started this conversation." He replied.

"And I'll end it too!" I teleported to a different room to get away from the good-looking god. Why did I just think he was good-looking? It must be my frayed nerves.

I unceremoniously flopped onto the nearest object, which happened to be a sofa. I held propped my head up on my elbows and closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing.

In and out, in and out.

I felt a light pressure on my back. It must have been a hand and it rubbed my back gently, in perfect time with my breathing. I rolled over to see Poseidon and for once I didn't have the urge to slap him. He smiled softly at me.

"You know I'm worried too right?" He spoke quietly and I realized that he smelled like saltwater and sand flowers and coconuts. I was absorbed in the scent and it took me a second longer to respond.

"No. Not really. You hide it very well I guess." I said. What was I saying?! It felt almost alien to be so friendly with him.

"I guess I do." He said. We hadn't broken eye contact for a second and I didn't think I ever wanted to.

I say up and looked out the window. Poseidon cautiously wrapped one arm my shoulders and pulled me against him in a hug. I leaned into the embrace, enjoying the warmth. We say there for who knows how long before Hermes came into the room.

 "Look at this! Well I never!" He exclaimed and Poseidon leapt up.

 "Uh, we were. . ." Poseidon tried to think of an excuse.

 "I have to go." He abruptly said and began walking out of the room. I teleported in front of him and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He hugged back.

 "Bye." I said, my face as red as Apollo's cows.

 "See ya!" He replied and vanished.

What is going on in my stomach? It feels bubbly. I'm going to take an aspirin.

I hope you like it!

Word Count: 552

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