(Story) Please Don't Expect the Unexpected

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Ok. We're going to rock this. Who would expect Thalia, the leader of the Hunters of Artemis, and Reyna the praetor of New Rome? Actually people might suspect you Thalia but-OW! As I was saying hopefully no one. We set up tons of pranks all over New Rome last night and now I really need a nap because we were up all night but I'll take the time to explain them.

One, a million-You're exaggerating Reyna- alarm clocks. We set up at least six alarm clocks in each of the sleeping quarters to ring at five minute intervals, the first one set for five a.m.

Two, Kraft dinner orange juice. You know how we serve lots of different foods at camp? Well I heard from some of the sylphs that one of the most popular drinks at breakfast was orange juice. Thalia and I snuck into the kitchen last night and filled all the orange juice hugs with water and poured Kraft dinner cheese powder into each jug until it turned a nice bright orange.

Three, air horn doors. We duck taped air horns in the walls behind almost every door so that when you open them too fast, a really loud honking sound would emit.

Four, air horn chairs. We duck taped more boat horns to the bottoms of all the chairs(you know the office chairs that squish down when you sit in them) so that as you sit down it will think very loudly.

Five, balloon utensils. We put all of the utensils at the breakfast table inside balloons so that when you need a spoon or a knife you have to pop a balloon to get to them. My lungs still hurt from all that puffing, too bad Thalia can't control the wind like Jason huh? -no hitting Thalia I'm joking-

Six, Apollo everywhere. We printed off hundreds of pictures of Apollo smirking at the camera and pasted them everywhere. The bathrooms, above people's beds, the stables, everywhere. And the best part is they can't complain because it's a god! -it's absolutely horrendous, one of the worst things I've ever done Reyna and that's saying something -

Seven, we managed to get a really tall ladder and glue googly eyes -really big googly eyes - onto the ceiling lights so when you look up the ceiling looks back. A lot of the statues are also googlyfied -thats not a word Reyna- so you are always being watched.

Eight, while we had the ladder up there, we placed fake roaches on top of the fan blades as well as flour -I made Reyna get all purpose flour because it's cheaper- when the fans are turned on, roaches and flour will rain from the sky.

Nine, we have large buckets of water on top of the open roof so we can dump it on them once they're covered in flour.

Ten, "caution wet floor". We put a "CAUTION WET FLOOR" sign on a flutter board and floated it out into the middle of the bath house and the lake.

Eleven, we spread vegetable oil all over the floors usually right after the air horn doors.

Right now we are sitting on top of the dining pavilion and it's 4:57 so the clocks will go off any moment now. We've recorded this so far so when everything happens well describe it to you, whoever's listening. Come on Reyna! I've got to go, the first set of alarms went off.

Ring, ring, ring. Ring, ring ring. I hear a few people get up but it only sounds like maybe seven. The next one goes off five minutes later, the perfect time to let them almost but not quite fall asleep again. These ones are programmed to sound like roosters. More people get up and I can hear them rummaging around the rooms looking for the clocks. I hear a couple shouts, probably people seeing the Apollo posters.

There are a few minutes of quite shuffling as they get up and dressed. Then the air is filled with blaring horns and screams of terror. -Oof! Sorry, Thalia is laughing so hard she was going to fall off this roof- There are also crashes of people hitting against walls and various objects, most likely from running after being scared by the horns.(static) -I can't stop laughing sorry- (more static)

-Ok ok ok- So a few people including Frank are tickling into the room but we'll wait until more arrive for the big stuff. A couple of them drank the orange juice and spat it across the room. A Mars kid is yelling about the balloon utensils and is popping them with their sword.

The pressure threw one of the spoons into the kids face and now -Damn!- the kid is swearing like crazy and tearing Apollo posters and Frank is telling them off severely. Most of the people have arrived but not many of them are falling for the orange juice because the first few are still sputtering about it. There are screams of terror about the googly eyes. More swearing. -ready Reyna?- Ok we're going to turn on the fans.

There is coughing and screaming from below and Frank turned into a cat by accident -Franks scared of roaches?- and Hazel is trying to calm people down. The flour really did it's job, everyone is covered in a fine layer of it. That and roaches of course. -Come on, before they brush it off- Ok, I make my way towards the buckets and we each start at different ends. -Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand- We dump the buckets down on all the people covering them in a sticky paste. We carefully run along the rooftop, making sure we stay low so no one sees us. Once they're all dumped I run over to Thalia. -Ok, straighten this, awesome! You look beautiful Reyna- Once Thalia has me straightened up I scramble down the ladder to the ground and walk in the door of the pavilion.

"Good morning." I said, my voice completely level and walked down to sit at the head of the table with Frank who is now in human form.

Everyone blinked. "No need to stand on ceremony please have a seat." Everyone did as I asked as I began the morning's announcements.

Word count: 1036

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