{37} {Firework's}

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{No One's P-o-v}
Tommy clutched his ears seeing the fireworks, Tommy never told anyone but he had PTSD of Fireworks after the War to get L'manberg back, Tommy whimpered as he hid behind a tree trying to stop himself from having a panic attack, Only to hear loud Boom's and crackles, Tommy started to hypervenolate as he panicked, "Tommy!?" He heard someone call out for him, Tommy choked out a sob as he seen a blurry figure in front of him "Hey!, Hey calm down!" the person say's, Tommy sniffled out a sob as he was pulled into a hug by the person, The person rubbed Tommy's back calming him a small bit "Wat's wrong?" The person ask's, "F....F......Fireworks" Tommy mumbled as he choked out a sob, The person picked up Tommy taking him somewhere away from the fireworks.

{Purple's P-o-v}
I looked over at Tommy who I finally calmed down, I sighed slightly as he was asleep, I looked up at the stars seeing a shooting one, I smiled leaning back on the soft grass and made a wish, I sat up looking at Tommy who was fast asleep leaning against a tree, I Shivered at the sudden cold wind, I got up walking over and picking up Tommy and starting to head home only to get lost in the forest, I franticly checked the coordinates only for them not to show up, I felt a large cold gust of wind go past me I shivered at the coldness, I ran behind a tree to block the wind I seen a cave in the mountain, I held onto Tommy tightly as posable not to tight to hurt him but tight enough so he wouldn't fall off my back, I started to run for the cave shivering as the wind brushed against my face making me shiver, I managed to get into the cave scraping my arm on the side of the wall, I whined out in pain as I set Tommy down placing a torch and looking at my scratched arm, I seen a large scratch on my arm, I whined as I took out a bandana I have in my pocket I rapped it around my scratched arm to stop the bleeding, I winced a bit as I looked at Tommy who somehow was still asleep, I Sighed slightly as I walked over and sat down next to Tommy pulling him into my lap leaning against the wall and falling asleep, *The middle of the night*, I wake up to harsh winds, I shivered a bit as I stood up, 'We need to get out of here' I think to myself as I picked up Tommy and quickly ran out of the cave and threw the harsh winds, I looked around seeing light, I started a coughing fit as I stood their, I sniffled as I ran to the light to see 'L'MANBERG!' I think as I ran over to it only to feel myself have a coughing fit "PURPLE!? TOMMY!?" I hear Wilbur? No, Tubbo? No, Phil? No, I realized who it was "D---Dream?" I mumbled out as I started a coughing fit, Dream walked over to me and helped me walked into L'manberg "WERE WHERE YOU!?" Tubbo yelled worriedly as he opened the house door, I sniffled as Dream sat me down and sat Tommy next to me, "Wat happened!?" Phil asked walking in, "I--" I was cut off by a coughing fit, I pulled my legs into my chest coughing, I felt Tommy wake up next to me coughing, I looked at him as he leaned on my shoulder, I felt myself shiver "C.....Cold" I mumbled as I shivered, Phil grabbed a blanket and put it around me and Tommy, I sniffled a bit letting out a yawn falling asleep leaning my head on Tommy's head, I yawned falling asleep.

(Bye My Bee's!!)

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