{66} {Tommy's D.I.D}

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(TW!: I am NOT trying to make fun of people with D.I.D!!, If I get stuff wrong tell me!, I am NOT under anything trying to make fun of People with this condition!!)
Requested by: 50_Shades_Of_Poe 
{Tommy's D.I.D friends aka his other personality's: Tara, Taya}
{Tommy's P-o-v}
I shivered a bit yawning, It was cold in the house and I was extremely tired, I hadn't slept for the night, I sighed slightly, before grabbing some coke and heading to my room, I smiled as I started my stream "WELCOME EVERYONE!" I yelled out happily, the chat spammed with 'Hello' and 'hi', I smiled "No Camera today Guys!, I have a cold and I look horrible" I say, the chat spilled with 'Its okay' and 'we get it', I smiled before I hopped into vc 2, I giggled slightly 'Dono: Tommy can you play with Phil, Techno, Dream, and Wilbur?' it read, I smiled slightly "How about I talk to them and see" I say before I grabbed my phone and opened up discord since me other monitor was busy updating, I smiled a bit at the group chat 'hey guys!, my chat wanted to know if we could Vc later!' I sighed before sending it to the group a few seconds later I got a response 'Yea!' Phil said, 'Sure' Dream responded 'Yea, I'm not busy' Techno responded, I smiled a bit 'Sure!' Wilbur responded, I smiled "WELL Chat we will be playing with The others later!" I say smiling, the chat spilled with 'Yeses' And 'Cool's' I smiled before I joined Dream SMP, I looked at chat smirking before I started to gather wood for a build I was doing, I looked at the Vc seeing the others join, "Hi Wilbur, Dream, Techno, And Phil!" I said loudly, I groaned under my breath 'dame headache' I sighed slightly "Hello Tommy" Wilbur said, I smiled "Hello" I say back, my head was Pounding, I felt myself gag, I muted my mike "I will be back chat" I say before walking into my bathroom locking the door and sitting by the toilet only to feel myself pass out hitting my head on the wall.

{No One's P-o-v}
'Tara!, he passed out!' Tori called out to Tara, *few seconds of planning out what to do* 'Okay, I will act like him until he come back then' Tori said, Tara nodded before Tori closed her eyes gaining control of Tommy.

{Tori's/Tommy's P-o-v}
I sighed slightly before I walked out of the bathroom and sitting in Tommy or are chair "I am back my friends" I say not as loud as Tommy does, I looked at chat seeing 'wb' and 'Hello's' I smiled a bit "Sorry it took so long" I say to the others in the call Tommy was in, "Its fine Toms!" Dream said, *minutes later*.

{Dream's P-o-v}
I made a group chat for just the people I was in the call with except Tommy, 'any notice Tommy's acting weird ever since he came back?' I sent the msg to the chat 'Yea, he's quieter, and he's not yelling' Phil sent, "Tommy" I say into my mic, "Yes Dream?" Tommy asked, "Why are you acting weird?, ever since you came back you have been quieter and not yelling, and you aren't swearing" I say, Tommy didn't say anything, "I-" Tommy stopped talking "Let me end the stream first" Tommy said, I pulled up Tommy's stream not saying goodbye just ending it, "So" Phil said, I hear Tommy sigh slightly "Tommy really didn't tell them?" I hear Tommy whisper "Tell us what?" Wilbur asked, Tommy let out a loud sigh "I am not Tommy" Tommy? Said "What? yes you are" Phil said confused, Tommy sighed once again "No, My name is Tori" Tommy? or Tori said "I guess Tommy never told you guys.... but I am one of his personality's" Tori said, "What!?" Techno said confused "So, Tommy has D.I.D?" Phil asked, "mhm!" Tori says, "Oh, Tommy's awake!" Tori said, "What do u mean?" Wilbur asked "Well, when Tommy went into the bathroom he ended up passing out and hitting his head, which triggered me and Tara" Tori said "Who is Tara?" I ask "Oh, Tara is another person like me!" Tori said, "Ohhh" Wilbur said, "I'll let Tommy talk now!" Tori said, There was a moment of silence before I hear Tommy sigh "Well then" Tommy said, "Why didn't you tell us!?" Wilbur said, "Look Wilbur, I didn't tell you is because I wanted to keep it to myself because I knew you wouldn't believe me" Tommy said, "Tommy!, We would have!" Phil said, Tommy just sighed "I need to go and sleep" Tommy said before leaving the call.

(Bye Panda's!!)

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