Chap 1

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I actually did meet my first boy friend like this and this really was how we broke up. Other than that it's made up :)

BTW : This is another side project enless i really get into it -- like i porbably will.


Do you remember your first crush? First love? First boy-friend? The guy who gave you your first kiss? The guy who promised you the world and took your virginity? For me I remember him clearly.

Especially the day I met him. He was my first everything. Like my other half. My better half. I had the brains but he had the jokes. It was your typical love story. Boy girl met. Boy girl fall in love. Boy crushes girl. Girl is heart broken and can't move on. Then there’s : nerd girl falls in love with schools new cute clown boy. He was the player and she was the innocent little naïve nerd. Still it was love at first sight. For both of us. Or at least I'd like to think.

I remember the day I met him so clearly. It was love at first sight. You know how you watch all those cliché movies of when boy and girl meet? It was just like that. I was sitting in the back of my English class having a friendly argument with all three of my best friends. We were each sitting on opposite sides of the room but the class room was so small we were still close to each other. So I was arguing with one of them giving the others time to finish their work. Suddenly my friend looks at me, the front of the class than back at me with a huge grin. I looked to the front. Typical movie scene.

I did a double take taking him in. He had his black hair cut short. Beautiful puffy full pink lips. His upper lips formed a upside down U so through his parted lips I could see his front two straight white teeth. He had strong jaw bone structure and skin as smooth as silk. His skin was pale and slightly tanned. He was handsome. He was starring at me and suddenly he smiled. The whole world faded. Literally. Everything but him blurred and turned into a fuzzy white. My eyes bulged and I didn't know it but I smiled. I got this strange ting-a-lee feeling all over my body. For some reason I felt really happy. I didn't even know his name and I already loved him. Abruptly he looked at the teacher and my vision returned.

By now my friends were smiling at me. I had to know this boy. I asked my friend for his name and she told his name was Jonathan. I also found out I had reading class with him too. I was ecstatic, so of course when the teacher sat him at the table in front of me, in the chair directly in front, I couldn't stop smiling. On his second day we hadn't spoken a word and he turned around and said. “Hey, cheeseburger.” As if we had known each other our whole lives. I looked confused, smiled, shook my head, and asked him why he called me that. “ 'Cause I love them.” I didn't know what to say so I smiled and said hi back. That was it. Those were his first words to me. Those were the words ignited the Flame of Our Love.

We always took the time to stop in the halls to hug each other until the bell rang signaling our lateness. We'd kiss with as much passion as a 11 and 13 year old could. No matter how much we touched I always got butterflies. Every touch. Every kiss. Every hug. Every smile. Every word. Always had the same affect on me as he did the first day. Butterflies, ignorance, kisses, hugs, secrets, love, rushed heart beats. It was all so enchanting. It was my cloud nine. No matter how dull and boring my life got and school was I was always happy because of him. By the end of each day my cheeks would hurt. Every morning I'd wake up with a smile. Every week I looked forward to Monday's and dreaded Friday's. My happy little world consisted of him and him alone. It was beyond enchanting to meet him.

In a matter of seconds we were in like. In a matter of days we were in love. In a matter of weeks we were dating. In a matter of months we were broken up and broken hearted. We had no choice. Not only were we dating in secret but I wasn't even allowed to have a boyfriend—let alone a crush. Than like a cruel trick fate snatched him and moved him two states away. It was a forbidden love. I remember the night he asked if I wanted to break up or have a long distance relationship. I knew better. It was a mutual agreement that we break up. I haven't seen or talked to him since than. Oh, how cruel this world can be. I cried all night that night. Horrid thing was I was sleeping over my best friends house that night. When he told me I literally dropped the phone and starred shocked at the closet door. My friend picked up the phone and repeated the words. “You're moving?” A single unseen tear flew down to my neck. She continued. “No. She's just starring at the closet.” At the last word I broke out in sobs. I felt so horrid. Never had my best friend seen me cry or be depressed. That night they both heard and seen a different side of me. Those three wretched words that broke me into pieces.

I am moving.

Three more words.

I love you.

Three more.

Don't hate me.

One word.


No words.

That was the end of me. Not really. Sure I was broken hearted and lost interest in boys for two year but I was still in the pre-prime of my life. Of course I also figured out I was probably depressed because of my over reactive 6th grade self. So after some time I recovered, about as much as a broken hearted girl can. I moved on while staying in place. How can that be you ask? Easy. I dated. Compared and contrast. The new boyfriend to the first one. The goods and the bad’s. Want to know how all those ended up? They lasted less than a month. And yeah, I compared break-ups too. We had lasted 6 months together before the break-up. Every relationship after? 2-7 days or if we were lucky 2-3 weeks.

I didn't see how I was moving foreword. It hurt and I tried moving, forgetting about him, replacing him, and so on. None of it worked. Sad but true. Than again I aged a couple more years. Figured it was just my over reactive 7-9 grade self. Ha. What a laugh. Though I did move on more. I thought they said absence makes the heart grow fonder? Well whatever. I think it was because I hadn't seen him that I was able to move on. Than again it could just be that I've created a black box inside my head to lock him away... but that's not the story here. This is a story of how we fell back in love in a matter of seconds. Three seconds to be exact. The three seconds it took for our eyes to meet.


“Adrian, wake up.” It's been 9 months since I've moved two states away from home and four states away from Jonathan. As if two states between us wasn't enough.

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