Chapter 35

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            In walked Ester, her mate Alejandro, and Carmen Ricardo's cousin.

            They walked slowly and quietly towards Ricardo's sleeping figure on the long couch. Ester pushed Alejandro forward. He pulled a knife out of his pocket.

            “What is going on here?” Ricardo's father questioned in disbelief.

            “Mario, get ready.” I spoke quietly into the phone.

            The tension I felt in the room was enough to pound me into the floor but the tension I felt from leaving Ricardo alone in there was worst. I did not feel right. I felt horrible like I was dying. My leg was bouncing in anxiety. Somehow time would not speed up.

            Alejandro positioned the knife right over Ricardo's heart. He lowered it ever so slowly. I could tell by the look on his face he couldn't do it. He respected Ricardo but Ester was his mate, and he would do anything for her. These were two very powerful emotions colliding.

            Ester who remained a little ways back started toward Alejandro with determination and anger written over her face.

            “Now!” I screamed jumping out my seat.

            The door in the office swung open so hard some of the paintings on the walls fell and crash to the floor.

            My eyes though were fixated on Ricardo's hands as they lay over Ester's hands on the knife. Blood leaked from his throat but I knew it was only a superficial wound. Completely relieved I watched as Mario and a few others grabbed Ester, Alejandro, and Carmen.

            “I suspect Ester wants to be Alpha.”

            “But next in line would be Yara.” Ricardo said still staring at the screen of an empty office.

            “Yara has not found her mate yet.”

            I had a question about that but now probably wasn't a good time. Ricardo's father stood up swiftly leaving the room. He was quickly followed by John, Jonathan, and I. I followed them outside where a big commotion was causing another group gathering.

            “Dad! Look what these idiots are doing. They come into our territory and think they can do this—“ She was cut off by a slap on her cheek.

            “If you ask me she deserves more than that.” Honestly I don't know what came over me but when our eyes met I sent her a death glare that sent a chill down her spine. She tried to hide it but I saw it.

            “Do not be so mad.” A mellow voice came from beside me. I nearly jumped.

            “How is your neck?” I asked my eyes aching to see the cut and my fingers greedily searching his neck.

            “It's already gone. I just need to wipe the blood.” He smiled down at him. I couldn't contain the sigh of relief that escaped my lips. I felt Jonathan's body tense and immediately dropped my hands and looked away.

            The Alpha quickly explained what happened to everyone and Ricardo's family asked for forgiveness. The Alpha was a forgiving man.

            “So... Earlier when you guys were fighting.... Were you guys really lashing out at each other or was it all just really good pretend?” I didn't want to look up at their faces.

            They hesitated before responding. “Lashing out.” They responded meekly. I could feel the guilt wash over them.

            “Ahahh,” I puffed up my lips and batted my eyes trying to act cute, “You guys are really scary when you’re serious.” I looked up at them innocently. I didn’t want them to feel bad.

            Ricardo scratched the back of his head while Jonathan stuck his hands in his pockets and looked away. I chuckled letting them know I was alright with it. After all there couldn’t very well be cute and cuddly wolves, right?

            Once the excitement calmed down Andy, Z’Damond, Mario, Tayy, and Matt came over to stand beside Ricardo, me, and Jonathan. I suspected Helena was home with her mate.

            I couldn’t help but stare up at Z’Damond who had a faraway look on his face. “A risky enterprise is justified so long as it turns out well in the end.”

            Sometimes, Z’Damond surprised me. “Well, I think this one turned out well enough for us.” I commented.

            “Enough being the operative word here.” Mario replied long down at me from the corner of his eyes.

            “Enough is good. It could easily have gone the other way.” I looked towards the ground. The other way as in; one – I could have died, two – being one or both of my mates could have died. I felt my heart shudder.

            “Adrian…” Tayy said softly surprising me.

            Ah, I’m making them worry. “Well I had enough excitement for one day. Frankly I am a little tired.” I said looking up with a smile I knew they would all look right through. They pretended not to notice me not noticing them looking through my smile.

            They agreed and split look for shelter for tonight. The three of us, Ricardo, me, and Jonathan, went into the house together.

            Ricardo apologized to me for screaming at me earlier. Of course I had to forgive him; it’s never nice to hear that your little sister wants to kill you. I didn’t blame him.

            We said our good nights and made our way into our rooms.

            I took the third shower of the day and got into bed. I didn’t have an appetite so I didn’t even notice I only ate once during the whole day. Even after I had a cup of hot coco and some cookies I still couldn’t sleep. Then it started to get really cold.

            I met the Alpha on my way up stairs. He informed me that they always sleep with the AC on because of their body temperature. It was weird because I hadn’t felt it the night before. He didn’t have a reply to that.

            After that I stopped by Jonathan’s room, which was left untouched since the moment he left, but he wasn’t there. Next I went to Ricardo’s room. He was lying in bed in the dark watching the tele. Without asking for permission I strobbed right in and got under the covers. He made a joke and laughed at me.

            We started talking about all the events that happened tonight. We were laughing when the door opened and in popped Jonathan’s lovely head.

            “Where were you? I went to your room but you weren’t there.” I sat up.

            “I was talking with my dad.” Oh. Right.

            “Well, come on.” I patted the spot next to me. He went to object but I insisted.

            So I ended up in a bed between a shirtless and pantless Ricardo and a shirtless Jonathan. Let me just tell you the heat was definitely turned up to the max.I was also very much aware that I was in a tank top and panties.

            The fact that I could feel both their legs against mine only made it worst.

            And yet, I feel asleep within minutes.

            There was something in the air that night, something I could never explain properly. It was a sense of happiness and the dreaded feeling of something coming to a close. Yet somehow the feeling of an end soothed me to sleep.

            I dreamt of a life with Ricardo and Jonathan. A life I know was going to change the moment I woke up.

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