Chapter 19

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“I couldn’t get much out of him.” Mario said ashamed. I had the sick need to say ‘I told you so!’ but I held my tongue and settled for staring into nothingness. “From what he said Jonathan and he were both born with Alpha blood but their grandfather can’t decide who should be Alpha and their people like both of them so they can’t really decide either. No one really leans to either side and even if they do they have too much respect for the pack, the Alpha, and the Alpha grandfather to leave the pack.  Normally the two would fight to decide who would be the Alpha but there’s something that’s stopping them. He didn’t even give me a clue. I couldn’t even tell if he actually hates Jonathan or not.” I was unconsciously nodding my head. I knew Ricardo better than most people. He wasn’t the kind of open up to anyone. It took my three years to finally get him to open up to me. Though apparently he didn’t tell me everything because I didn’t know he was a werewolf. “I was thinking we put Adrian in charge of finding out more information since they have history and will have better luck.”

            Something nudged my leg but I didn’t respond, too focused on the nothingness. Again something nudged me but I didn’t acknowledge it. This time someone’s hand went over my eyes pulling my head back. I pulled the hand away and looked back at Jonathan. “He’s talking to you.” He said pointing his chin to Mario.

            “What?” I said snapping my head to Mario than quickly lowered my eyes when I met his.

            “I’m putting you in charge of finding out all the information regarding Jonathan and his family.” He said softly.

            “Mmm. I already found some stuff out tonight.” I said already drifting off to nothingness.

            “What did you find out?”

            “I coaxed… well actually I tricked Andrew into telling me stuff. He said Jonathan was with Ricardo, Ester, Alejandro, Julius, and Carmen the day he disappeared. At some point Ester, Alejandro, Julius, and Carmen went off on their own and the two were left together. No one knows what happened after that. In the woods they found some of Jonathan’s blood but no one could find him and they found some of Ricardo‘s blood but not as much. They said the two were dragged away. A week later Ricardo wondered back home all bloody and bent out of shape. I’d say that’s it case closed Ricardo’s a good guy but something smells fishy. I say we continue until we find some evidence.” I heard some people make sounds of amazement.

            “How’d you find all that out when none of us could get anything?” The boy Helena was sitting on asked.

            “Innocent looking human girl who supposedly knows nothing of werewolves and is extremely ‘horrible’ at acting.” I said pointing to myself like it was obvious. “Wasn’t that obvious?”

            “How’d you get him to tell you?” Z’Damond said amused.

            I shrugged my shoulders. “Told him I’d give him a peso.” Everyone looked at me confused but Jonathan made the same mistake Andrew did and froze up. “Peso mean’s dollar in Spanish but peso sounds like beso, which means kiss, so he fell for it and didn’t question if he heard right. As soon as he told me, I gave him a dollar. He thought I meant I’d give him a kiss. Un peso no beso.” Everyone laughed.

            “You’re kind of scary. You could very well be a double agent and we’d never guess.” Z’Damond said playfully but I knew he meant it, deep down.

            I couldn’t help the hurt expression that appeared on my face. “I don’t care if you question my intentions or my entire life but you should never question my loyalty. My loyalty is what always gets me into fucked up situations. Maybe you didn’t notice that when we went to Aaliyah’s house.”

            “I noticed!” Helena said raising her hand and smiling.

            “Yeah.” Andy said hitting Z’Damonds head. “You could tell by the way she was acting with Aaliyah. Even after what Aaliyah did she still hangs out with her and talks with her instead of just kicking her to the curb and smashing on her.”

            “Extreme loyalist.” Tayy said absentmindly throwing her arms around Mario and sitting down on his lap.

            I stared at this sight completely taken by surprise. Jonathan chuckled. “Oh them? Yeah, their together. You must not have noticed.” Helena said blandly. I shook my head. Jonathan chuckled again and stood up almost knocking me down to the floor.

            “Come on.” He said pulling me towards the house.

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