Chapter 26

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 Ricardo and I spent the next four day’s in awkward silence. Neither of us spoke, we starred and helped out each other, but we didn’t talk. By the fifth day I was considering going back home but thought against it. It was either awkward silence with Ricardo or loud awkward conversations and screaming with everyone back home. I sighed. Either way the option was so not good. It probably didn’t help that awkward situations kept appearing on the TV. Since it was pouring today we had no choice but to watch TV and there wasn’t anything but romance on today.

Ricardo was aimlessly just flipping through channels. I wanted to tell him it was getting annoying, but after what happened I didn’t feel as I had the right. It was as if we silently understood the universes sign language. It was almost like speeding through the day watching the clock waiting for the time to fly by and being so extremely busy all day and by the time to can go home your exhausted and your body hurts, as you walk down the street you see a break in the trees up ahead and light shining down on a single beautiful rose and suddenly you smile, stop, and smell the flowers. Only this one was opposite; we had a good day and saw something bad bringing back to reality reminding us life isn’t that wonderful.

“So…” Ricardo suddenly spoke making me almost jump from suddenness. I looked over at him but he continued to watch the television as he flipped channels. I turned back to the television. “Did you know as of 2010, the largest collection of Pokémon memorabilia belongs to Lisa Courtney who lives in the UK, with 14,410 different items?”

“Forever alone.” I said in a bland voice not even thinking about it. Then I realized what he said and what I said, a small playful smile appeared on my lips. I looked over at him and saw him looking at me too and abruptly we both burst into laughter. “You’re thinking of that troll face aren’t you?” I said still chuckling. He nodded his head. We've gotten better at reading each other's mind.

The air was still awkward but it was more comfortable. I shivered as the room became colder. I had wanted him to turn the ac off but he’s a wolf and we weren’t speaking, before. “Come here.” He said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him. I scooted over beside him and he magically pulled out a blanket throwing it over my legs. We were sitting close enough so I could feel his heat but far enough so we weren’t touching. He began flipping through channels again.

He stopped on an old cartoon. I remember watching this cartoon when I was still in elementary school and even then they were starting to do reruns, so when the theme song came on I obviously had to sing along but I wasn’t the only one singing. I turned over to Ricardo still singing and smiled. Together we finished the theme song and laughed. Since I had seen the episode I already knew what they were going to say. I began saying the lines of my favorite character and soon enough Ricardo was saying the other character’s lines. By the time the cartoon finished he had his arm around me and my legs were draped over his. Since the cartoon finished he began flipping channels again.

“Ew! No, I don't like chick flicks." I screamed absentmindly as he stopped switching channels on a chick flick. I didn’t even realize I had said that out loud until he responded.

"Really that’s a first, most girls do." He was paying attention to the movie though.

“Exactly I'm not most girls. How could you put me in that category?"

He laughs still watching the movie. "You’re right. You’re nothing like those girls."

He pulls my shoulder towards him bringing me closer. I felt his soft feathery lips press against my forehead. I was shocked. He'd never done anything like that. I could hear me own heart hammering in my chest so I knew he could hear it clear as day. Slowly I let my eyes go up and met his shocked ones. I looked back down and couldn't contain the smile that broke over my face. I laid my head on his shoulder grinning from ear to ear. There was a new sense of comfort and peace now. I felt him relax against my side and he pulled me closer. He tucked me under his arm and I laid my head on his chest. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it up some more while I snuggled deeper into his side. I couldn’t help but feel completely whole. Like a part of me was missing and was finally found and put together at last.

EwwwThis chapter sucked. :[ and it was short. I promise to make the next longer and better :D

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