Chapter 20

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I was breathing heavily. Both my feet hurt for different reasons. Note to self : Work out some more. I sighed as best I could and then sucked in some breath and held it in. Holding on to the railing I hauled my body up hopping on one foot. Somehow the stairs were cleared and the only difficult task left was to open the door and get to the room so I could lie down. Holding my breath for too long always managed to give me a head ache and right now my head was about to explode from a Tsar bomb. Leaning against the railing I slipped the key in the key hole and pushed myself through managing to close and lock the door before tilting to one side and holding on to the wall to stop from falling. Staying close to the furniture so that I had something to lean on I got to the hallway. I than leaned on the wall and as I came close to the boys door I heard loud voices. Normally I would have held a glass to the door so I could hear some of what they were saying but my head hurt too much to let me care. I continued on past the door and continued to my room, the girl’s room. I heard giggling and happy loud voices. I almost turned around and left. I didn’t want to disrupt their happy mood, except I was feeling really light headed as my head began to swim making me care less about their happiness and more about my health and safety. I opened the door and without looking at them I hopped my way to my bed where I collapsed. I groaned into the fabric and then sighed relived that I was off my feet and could finally sleep.

            The room became deadly silent. I heard some one question if I was alright before I heard a door knob bang loudly against the wall. “I smell blood.” A male’s voice said. I was too tired to acknowledge it. I decided instead to focus on the black and white wolf forming on the inside of my eye lids. I watched as it came closer and closer. The tingling sensation getting stronger with each step it took.

            Suddenly I was rolled over making my eyes snap open in surprise. I groaned at the underwater vision I was having before it finally decided to clear away taking my thoughts with it leaving behind emptiness and pain. A warm hand touched a cut I had over an eye brow and I winced shutting my eyes to the pain. A murmured sorry made its way to me and I opened my eyes feeling pain in their voice.

            I looked over to find Jonathan kneeling by my side with his thumb covered in my blood. I chuckled. “Here as always, should have expected that.” He didn’t even crack a smile if anything it only deepened his worry lines.

            “What happened?” He asked softly, eyes darting to my cut. I smiled and shook my head. I felt someone move my legs and set them on top of a bag on my bed. I knew it was not on purpose but I couldn’t help what came out my mouth. “AH! What the hell! Mother..” I screamed as I clutched my bad ankle. I rolled over so I was lying on my side and clutched my ankle suffocating myself by putting my face into the sheets, “of pimples.” I muttered into the sheets stopping the cuss word that threatened to spill.

            “Sorry! Oh my god! What happened to your ankle? You look like hell washed over.” Helena screamed from the front of the bed.

            “Other than having the feeling of being watched all day, getting minor injuries all day because of the Universes plot to kill me, and then getting pushed down the stairs? Nothing. My day was pretty much uneventful. How about yours?” I said bitterly looking at her from under all my hair.

            “Someone pushed you down the stairs?” Z’Damond screamed before anyone else could.

            “Pretty sure. I heard them, felt their hands push my back, and managed to catch him just as he was about to push me. So yeah, I’m pretty sure someone has it out for me.” I spat out. I was obviously not in the mood. “Now if you wouldn’t mind I have a headache the feels like an Ivan bomb explosion. Have you ever seen the damage an Ivan bomb can do?” I inhaled sharply and deeply. “Now you’re going to let me sleep or I’ll start throwing things at you so hard you’ll wish I had died.” I said throw clenched teeth.

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