Chapter 23

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 “Where is my tie and my other shoe?” Ricardo said rather loudly. We had fallen asleep on the couch last night while watching movies. I woke up around nine like always and went to take my morning pee break. Then I realized what time it was and spent the next five minutes trying to wake him up. He was late for work which started at seven. While he got dressed I made him a quick sandwich so he could eat it on the way there, even though I knew it wouldn’t completely satisfy him.

“Your shoes under the couch and which tie?” I asked paying attention to my breakfast and not him.

“I don’t know, any tie.” He said making his way to the kitchen while putting on his shoe. I looked up from my cereal and smiled. I could never get over how completely handsome he looked when he was in a suit.

I stood up, forgetting my cereal, and stuck the sandwich in his mouth while I went to go get his tie. Since he was wearing a light blue shirt and black suit pants I got him the black tie and jacket, just because I knew it would look great on him. When I got back he had finished both his breakfast and mine. I shook my head,

“You know I was planning on eating that.” I held out his jacket as he stood up.

“Sorry.” He lowered his head making me chuckle. I helped him put on his tie even though I knew he didn’t need me to. I found it soothing to do this. Once I was done he was already high tailing it out the door. I pulled on his arm to stop and he looked back at me anxious.

“You didn’t give me a kiss good bye.” I pouted. I secretly knew that he has been secretly gaving me kisses every morning before he left for the last four days I've been here. He looked a little shocked and amused. Leaning down he gave me a gentle kiss on my cheek that only lasted a few seconds. He pulled away and smiled before leaving. I watched him quietly as he walked down the hall.

I wonder if this is what it felt like, being married and with a mate. You had their love and they did whatever you asked, they’d never get mad at you, and you were always there for them doing things they could easily and much faster do themselves. It had a way of making you feel wanted. They could make themselves breakfast and tie their tie faster than you could count to ten but they let you do it just because, even if they were late.

Would it be like this if I went back to Jonathan? I admit I missed him. The thought of him brought tears to my eyes, both good and bad tears. I loved him so much it hurt and I know no matter what it wasn’t going to change. Even though he was my mate and he knew that now I wouldn’t be able to handle getting hurt from him again. Last time it was barely bearable, I don’t think I’d be able to survive it this time. I know I sound like I’m blowing it all out of proportion but the thing with mates is that it can literally kill the rejected mate. It can take their breath away or slowly weaken their body until they die. The last thought made me feel like something was wrong. I began thinking more about it. I gasped with sudden realization.

Before I knew what I was doing I was grabbing my keys and running out the door in my pajamas. A few minutes later I found myself standing outside the place I never wanted to return to but I needed answers and this was the only place I could get them. I walked inside and found it strangely quiet, and then suddenly I heard heavy footsteps coming from the kitchen. I walked in to find Mario. Well he is going to have to do.

“I need you to answer a question for me.” He nodded his head not even surprised by my sudden intrusion. “What happens when a mate gets rejected?” He turned to me and leaned against the counter.

“They die.” He said giving me an accusing glare. I would have flinched but I was on a mission.


“There’s a lot of different ways.” I think his grip on the counter tightened. Did he think I would kill Jonathan by rejecting him?

“What happens when the mate is human and was already rejected before the wolf finds out she was his mate and she rejects him after? Who dies then?” His face went blank with shock. From the side doors every member of the pack walked in and froze behind Jonathan when he saw me.

“What are you doing here?” Andy asked looking at me in some form of disgust, shock, worry, and love.

“She figured out why she’s dying.” He said still shocked. His eyes were trained on me. “I’m sorry. If I had known….. Why does it seem I’m always the bad guy in our conversations?” He looked at me pleadingly. I didn’t know how to respond so I stayed quite.

“What do you mean? Why is she dying?” Jonathan said taking a step towards me. I took two steps back not wanting to be anywhere near him.

“You might not know since you can’t remember but apparently you rejected her, so she’s dying.” A look of confusion crossed Jonathan’s face. “You rejected your mate, and just like any other mate couple one of you have to die. The one who was rejected first, meaning Adrian.”

I watched Jonathan’s face grow wide in shock and anger. When he turned to look at me I didn’t let the glare slide of my face, “Thanks for killing me.”

Turning on my heel I left the kitchen and went back outside. I could hear someone behind me but didn’t stop to turn around. “Who’s car is that?” Z’Damond asked.

“Ricardo’s.” I said before getting in and speeding out the drive way with Jonathan’s wolf in my rear view mirror.

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