Chap 33

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The room was empty but I could hear arguments coming from outside and in the front of the house. Something about siblings not being trusted, and it was coming from Mario’s mouth. My legs felt like jelly but I think would be best if I went out there.

            It was not until I got to the front of the house that I realized I did not know whose house I was in. The only reason I did not suddenly go ballistic was because Ricardo and Jonathan were standing in front of me looking the other way.

            “I am not here to start any trouble but I trust her and if she say’s siblings cannot be trusted then siblings cannot be trusted.” Mario said calmly.

            “She was dying! Who knows what she was seeing!” Ricardo screamed at him. “Who are you to come to my Uncle’s land and keep my siblings and I apart?”

            “Do you trust me Jonathan?” Mario asked completely ignoring Ricardo.

            Jonathan looked at him with tortured eyes. He glanced at his family he had been torn apart almost 2 years ago. “Yeah, I trust you.” He answered after a few seconds.

            “In that case I have every right to do this, Ricardo.” Mario finally acknowledged him.

            Mario glanced back at me. Our eyes connected and I almost felt his approval and relief flood through me. “You boys might want to turn around.” He commented as he slammed the door shut in their faces.

            “Turn around for—?” Ricardo began before his eyes set on me.

            I gave them both a small smile. After they quit looking shocked and Ricardo continuously apologized for, what he told me was, 4 days ago. The house I was in was the doctors.

            I apparently said some things while I was unconscious. One of which was my last thought, Siblings can’t be trusted. Mario was making sure any siblings stayed away from Ricardo, Jonathan and I. I think I had some explaining to do but I did not want to. Mostly because I think I just made my entire epiphany up. I was not about to tell them that though. This was the first time I had every gotten to be with both of them since sixth grade which was like… four years ago. But this was the first time I I’ve ever been with both of them alone, which actually means something believe it or not.

            So you would understand why instead of telling them I had absolutely no idea why I suspected a sibling I rather just tell them my crazy almost death revelation.

            Not that I expect they’ll be happy about the news, one more than the other.

            I was right.

            “That is insane! My sister loves me she would never try to hurt me!” Ricardo screamed standing up from his seat.

            “Yeah, I know. But it’s the truth.” I replied.

            He just shook his head. I looked over at Jonathan and smiled. It’d been a while since he and I spent any actual time together. The last time we saw each other though I was practically running away from him because I told him was going away with my other mate.

            And then I had a fight with Ricardo because I let him think I only spent all this time with I’m because I wanted to find out who tried to kill them. But it was more than that; it was always more than that. I think I was just using that as an excuse to be around him.

            I’m really a horrible person.

            “There is only one way to find out if it is true.” Jonathan said looking at Ricardo. Somehow they seemed friendlier than I thought they would. It was weird. Not that I didn’t like it. It is just weird to watch your ex-boyfriend who you still love and your long time crush who happen to be cousins to get along for the first time since ever.

            I blame it on Jonathan’s head, probably not thought since Ricardo was not acting violent in any way. Maybe this whole Jonathan went missing thing was not such a bad thing. But the whole me thing might be.

            I don’t want to be the reason this nice peace between them came completely undone.

            “How’s that?” Ricardo asked.

            “Perform a sting.” I replied already knowing what Jonathan was going to say.

            Ricardo looked at me for a second as if he forgot I was here before smiling. “You watch way too much tv.”

            “That’s what I said!” Jonathan said laughing. He looked so handsome. Ricardo quickly agreed and began commenting about my obsession with a couple series on the tele.

            As much as I wanted to stop them from talking about my faults I liked this, them laughing together I mean. It was nice. I was scared they wouldn’t get along but it seems their actually bonding over me…

            This could go horribly wrong. But let me not think that way.

            After a few minutes of them pointing out a whole lot of faults I didn’t even know I had I reminded them about the sting.

            “So about this mission…” I began but was cut off by Ricardo.

            “So now it’s a mission?” He asked with his eyebrows raised in amusement.

            “No, yes. Wait stop. It was always a mission... A sting and a mission are the same thing.”

            “No they aren’t.” Jonathan retorted obviously enjoying this.

            “Well they are in my book dang it. Now like I was saying.” They chuckled with their sexy laughs with their hot hot hot gene infested lips. “I think I have an idea that might work but you guys need to trust me.” I got up and went to open the door calling in Mario.

Sorry it took me so long to get this up. I bought the new Assassins Creed and became addicted to it. _-  I wrote this while watching my friend play it.

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