Chapter 22

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"I'm going back to 505

If it's a seven hour drive or a fourty-five minute ride

In my imagination, You're waiting

Lying by your side, with your hand between your thighs." I screamed aloud throwing my head to the left and then ferouciously to the right. My hair followed along wildly, I threw my hands in the air and swung it. Xavier's oversized shirt rode up my body as my hands stretched higher and higher. I heard a whistle from the background.

"I did not know you still wore unerwear with red hearts all over them." Xavier smirked eying my ass.

"Oh shut up you are just jealous! And red hearts are cute." I flipped him off.

"Come here you." He stepped towards me.

I shrieked playfully and tried to get out of his reach. His arms hooked around my waists and he pulled my on him, both of collapsed unto the bed. Our bodies bounced, he hooked his hands around my waist like a fastened seatbelt, he nuzzled his face into my neck, I loved the warmth and the fact that he felt so much like home. We layed there for a while and thne I felt soft lips trail my shoulder and up my neck to the back of my ear. I shifted my body so I was now facing him. I brought my hands up to his face and moved his hair out of his face and took the moment and stare at him. I took him in, he was a beautiful. He was my angel. I carrassed his cheeks and I loved his eyes. The was they crinkled when he smiled, or the way he would scrunch his nose when he disagreed. 

"What's wrong?" Xavier asked.

"Nothing, i just love you very much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I smiled at him.

"Let's get a tattoo." Xavier suggested.

"Why not?"

"A tattoo it is."

I gripped onto Xavier's hand harder as the drilling sound flooded. 

"I do not this was such a good idea." I whimpered, jumping at each sound.

He chuckled and just pulled me closer to his chest. I laaughed nervously and toook in the smell of him to calm myself with the ongoing sounds in the background. I looked around me and the colors on the wall of the splendid designs somehow I forgot all about the upcoming pain. I let go of Xaviers arm and strided towards the wall with pictures of past customers with tattoos on their bodies. I traced a hand accross the wall and then stared at them in awe. They may have been probably the stupidest choices ever but surely they were one of the most artistically beautiful choices ever. I would not mind having my body covered in art. Xavier was an art of God and if that meant i got to have the art of God skillfully drilled into my body, then I wouldn't mind. No I would not mind at all. I turned to Xavier who stared at me with those dark eyes of his. I ran up to him and flung my hand around him and pulled him close.

"I have figured out what we should get."

"And that is?" He quirked an eyebrow bending down at me.

I pulled away from him, grabbed a chair and sat down scribbling on a piece of scrap paper.

"Well we are bound to each other and our initials will never be enough, it may be true that are names are one of the things that are used to define us but then they are many people with those names, if not here then somewhere 5,000 miles away. So I don't want names, or our initials on our body, but I want the feeling of warmth and love, the feeling that you give me everyday. I want a heart that is broken in half like a fortune cookie and a paper in between the opened heart locket and in that paper I want half of girls face with her eyes closed and a smile and the other half of a guy with his eyes closed and a smile too.  So it is showing that each of our hearts are made up of not only us but one another." I smiled sketching it on a piece of paper.

"You are increadible in so many ways, and the way you think is just one of the things that make you an incredible person." He whispered leaning into me blowing into my hair.

A blue haired girl with several pierceings covering a face came up to us and stared at us with a glare. She walked by us just, staring and simply glared at us all. It was horrendifying to feel eyes on us, me, for the whole five minutes she took to walk by us. 

"It's our turn now, my love. Care to show them byour design." He placed a hand on my lower back urging to forward.

"Don't worry I got this." I winked at him

"OWWWWW!" Tears clouded my eyes and I could see from the corner of my tear filled eyes Xavier clench his fist and grit his jaw and stare and the tattoo guy.

"Could you please be gentle?" Xavier seethed.

The tattoo guy shrugged Xavier off and finished off the touches of my tattoo. As soon as he lifted up the needle and ran to Xavier and gripped on to his shirt. He instantly wrapped his arms around me, like and instinct and looked down at me.

"You okay?" Xavier questioned.

"It just stung a bit." I groaned.

I looked at his left bicep that had half the heart and my face on it, I lifted my shirt up to show of the other heart with his face on it. 

"Looks like we are going to be stuck together for a long time baby." I winked at him.

"And I am going to enjoy every second, and every touch. As long as it is with you."

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