Chapter 23

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"Wanna go get ice cream?" I grinned jumping on the sofa beside him.

"But you just had ice cream." He said, his eyes not leaving the screens, his hand gripped the controller with full concentration.

"But I want it from Swensens now." I whined placing myself on his lap facing him.

"Honey I am trying to play." He shifted his head so he could get a better view of the screen.

"Well if we went for ice cream I would let you play with me." I pouted.

He paused the game, and grinned at me. I looked at him with a pout. He threw the controller on the other sofa Few moments later I felt fingers brush upon my waist. I stiffled my laughter and my urge to move. The fingers brushed harder, and I raised my hands to my mouth, to cover up the laughter. He didn't stop, I let out a scream, and laughter followed, He immediately pinned me down on the sofa, still tickling my waist, and slowly making his fingers up to my shoulders. I placed my arms on his chest, gasping for air in between the giggles and laughter and the tears spilled out. I pushed a little bit harder on his chest.

"Stoppp." I said in between my laughter.

"You still want that ice cream?" He smirked down at me.

"Yes." I smiled.

He didn't hesitate and brought his lips down on mine, my hands reached out and tangled themselves in his curly hair. He brought down an arm to my waist, going under my shirt, making his hands up to the end of my bra. His other hands stroked my hair, and then carrressed my cheeks. I pulled back breathless.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked concerned

"Ice cream." I puffed.

"Fine." He chuckled.

He got off me and lifted me  in arms, I felt like a princess at that moment. Actually let me rephrase that whenever I am with him, every moment, every second I feel like a princess. Because he makes me feel so alive and so happy. Happy. That's what I am with him. He put me down and locked up the house, then grabbed my hand and winked me.

"Lead the way princess."

"Alright my knight in shinning Armour."

"Knight eh?" He grinned at me.

I just chuckled at him, rolling my eyes at himin response. I tugged on his hand, and strutted across the street, into the little swensens shop.  We took a seat in the tables in the furthest back. He stared at me as the waiter brought in our menus along with our glasses of water. His eyes did not seem to leave me. After I ordered my usual the chewy chocky fancy and Xavier ordered the same, I finally could not keep it in me anymore.

"What?" I half screamed at him.

"Nothing."  He smirked.

"Tell me." I snarled.

"Look Ice creams here." He smiled.

"Ooh, can you give me the cherry? I legit love cherries." I squeled when the ice cream were on our table.

"Cherries eh?" He winked at me.

I flicked water across the table at him, "Pervert!" 

"HAHAHA, Here take em!" He pushed his ice cream cup forward

"Yay!" I squeled

I grabbed the cheery and lifted it above my mouth and opened my mouth, I heard a snap. I took a bite of the cherried and groaned at Xavier.

"What'd you do?" I frowned.

"Just took a photo." He winked.

"Of what?" I whined.

"Of the girl I love." He reached for my hand and lifted it up to his lips. "My cherry princess."

I felt my cheeks glow brighter than the sun. How this boy got to me, I never get, but what I do get is that he does a mighty fine job at it. 

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