Chapter 17

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I don't get it. Why oh why do I have to come to this forsaken place every goddamned time of my goddamned life. It's unrealistically not fair from so many angles. It's sad too. I don't get why I can't be homeschooled? I mean what's the difference? Homeschooled people go very far in life too, so there is absolutely no point in being here and socializing with a bunch a morons who can't tell a joke from an insult. Such a sad group of people to be among with. Their idea of perfection is big boobs and bootylicious ass, which is both gross and horrendous. When they should be thinking that education, knowledge, hard work and determination are important values. As I said complete oblivious idiots. I buried my nose in my book still replaying these thoughts in my head. I felt a hand pull out my book and fling it across the ground. I removed my reading glasses and stared up at a blonde guy with a blonde girl. The blonde guy just stood there with his muscular hands hanging by his side and the blonde girl had her hands placed on her hips. She glared at me. Oh great, Barbie and Ken drama.

"Bitch. When are you going to do my goddamned homework." She hissed.

"Look, Barbie and Ken. I've told oh so many times that shit like this only takes place in movies, people like me don't do shit for people like you." I stated with dead panned eyes.

"Listen here." She was cut off.

"Hello, what's going on?" Derek popped up.

Barbie and Ken muttered an apology and scurried off. Derek stared at me, squinting his eyes.

"I was handling it quite fine." I muttered.

" I was just checking up on and happened to interrupt. But you do owe me." He grinned,

"Fine. What do you want?" I sighed.

"A date." He said losing his smile.

"Derek, I'm in a relationship." I said.

"Just a friendly date. It won't hurt." He winked.

"Derek, we've been over this before." I gulped.

"Over what?" Derek scooted closer beside me.

"This. Us. Derek. Stop." I pushed him away.

"Think about it. I'm only asking for a single date." He groaned and got up.

"I'll consider it." I lied.

"I'll see you in class." He left.

I picked up my book and frowned. Derek always seemed to like to make things difficult
for me. I don't understand how to stop him. Derek is my best friend but I'm also terrified of him. Even though he really means no harm, when Derek wants something nothing can stop him. Guess what? He'll get it. I'm just really afraid that I'm going to be the one thing he wants. I'm not going give in to him but I really don't want to lose our friendship. I really don't, I dusted of my book and stood up. Well the bells about to class so I did the next best thing. I headed off to class.

'Hey princess, thinking of you as I buy me some books.'

I rolled my eyes at Xavier's lame attempt of cheesiness. I grinned and began typing back furiously.

'Cheesiness much? Xoxo. What book my dear charming Prince?"

I typed back chuckling at what I wrote to him. Derek eyed me as my body shook in my seat. I shifted my eye contact from him. My phone vibrated once more.

'Stephen King. Our favorite author, duh. The book you handed me, my fair damsel in distress. *wink*'

I stifled chuckle and rolled my eyes at the screen message. This time Derek blowed on my ear. And my side bangs flew in front of my eye. My eyes turned to him from the corner of my but I still ignored him. But I could see him perfectly. His lips arced, his eyes sharp, his head angled on his left hand. His sharp straight white teeth making its way out. I tried hard to ignore the other hand which twirled a few locks of my hair. I furiously typed back to Xavier.

'Derek's been hitting on me. Asking me out on a friendly "date". I don't know what to do?'

It only took mere seconds for a message to be instantly sent to me and allow my phone to vibrate.

'Go with him. You now how stubborn he is. Don't leave me for him though. I love you,don't forget that.'

I smiled and texted back.

'I love you too idiot. Text me later, get some sleep. I won't forget, I never will forget.'

I took a deep and snatched my hair from Derek's grasp. I turned to him with a straight face.

"One friendly date. That's it. Know your limits, or whatever friendship we had will be gone. Kapish?" I snapped.

"Aye aye captain. I'll pick you up seven o clock. Dress fancy." He smirked.

I mentally groaned, what did I just agree too.

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