Chapter 27

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Karita's P.O.V

        I gripped Xaviers hand in mine, and let my eyes pierce through his body, as if it is almost forcing Xavier to immediately better. Xavier was awake a few hours ago. His entire aura felt different though. Instead of having the Xavier who was always so lively, or the Xavier who was always positive and creative with this absolutely crazy ideas, he woke up crying from the throbbing pain, he woke up in anger and sorrow. That's not the Xavier I know, he has never been like this, never as a kid either. He was so different, so dull, so scared. I gripped his hand tighter, I wasn't letting him go, not without a fight at least. Although when he was awake there was one thing that didn't change was the way he loved me with all his heart. The way his eyes cherished everything I did or the way his mouth showered me with endless love.  I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Xavier's P.O.V

              She mattered so  much to me. I stared at her, the way she used both hands to grip onto my one hand covered in pipes and wires and how her head tilted slightly on th her black hair but the tips of her hair with a dark blue of  color, sprawled across her beautifully etched face. I closed my eyes and leaned back, I can't go, not yet! We were still to be Wed. Maybe, just maybe. I pulled out of Karita's grip, carried her in my arms and placed her on the bed. I slipped into the white hospital slippers and placed myself on the wheelchair and pushed the wheels towards the doctors office. I slid the door open and he looked shocked to see me in his office.

"You are not supposed to be out of bed Mr. Xetri." He voiced out

"I know but please, you said yourself that I don't have much time left, everyone knows that. So please i am asking for just a week? So I can get married." My voice croaked

"That isnt possible Mr. Xetri." He calmly stated.

"Three days." I stared into his eyes.

"However." He argued.

"Please." I begged him with my  eyes.

  He gave a low grunt in defeat. I smiled, and pulled out my phone and texted Derek.


Karita's P.O.V.

I felt soft tender hands brush my hair away from my face, the palm of the hand burned with so much love that I almost felt a sudden rush of happiness swell in me. I looked up from under my eye lids and stared into Xaviers. He was awake, and he was filled with so much gentleness and warmth.

"Let's get married today?" He said taking my hand into his.

"T-today, but the dress is at home." I stuttered.

"Derek brought it to the wedding hall already."

"But what about the bachelor party and all the marriage traditions." I questioned bemsed.

"We don't need them, I don't need them, I need you." I carressed her cheeks.

"Alright then let's go."

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