Chapter 40

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Four years later

Derek's P.O.V.

"How much longer do I have to hear her be i pain." I grumbled pacing myself outside the door. 

"Please calm down senior." David put his arms on my shoulder.

"Calm the fuck down? How is that even fucking possible." I spoke through gritted teeth letting a hand of mine run through my hair. 

"Is it not tiring to be like this for the whole five hours we have been here." David smiled sadly.

"I am exhausted but my wifes in there struglling and I can not do shiit about it. Our vows." I grumbled finally taking a seat.

'I can only think as to how it feels." David winked seating besides me.

A nurse walked out and looked at us then her eyes finally settled on me. Her mouth parted but words weren't needed. A soft harsh crying sound bursted through the rooms. I got up and rushed past the nurse and into the room. Maria laid in the bed exhausted and sweat dripping from her body. Her hair sprawled against the bed, yet she still looked beautiful. I looked at the baby in her hands. I rushed over to the both of them. I planted my lips on Maria's forehead and then let the babys hand fit into my hands.

"Its a baby girl. What are we going to name her?" Marias voice broke form all the exhaustion.

"Karita. We're going to name her Karita." I smiled looking at the splitting image of my wife in a mini version.

"A lovely name. Karita it is." Maria planted a kiss on my cheeks.

"Hello my lovely Kartia." I grinned tickling her.

The nurse came in and took baby Karita away and I took in what was going on. I have a baby girl now, I have a family. A woman to call my own and a beautiful healthy baby girl. I am in love with the moments. I am in love with life. I ever never been so grateful for being alive. I took Marias hand into mine.

"I'm going to go to sleep honey." Maria smiled.

"Sure my princessa." I smiled holding onto her hands.

I watched her sleep and I decided I would get some rest too. I let my head hit the pillow and sleep welcomed me.


"Karita! Xavier! Derek!" A fifteen year old Maria came running to us.

"What up princess?" 16 year old Derek grinned arising to the surface from the swimming pool.

"Hewwo."  Xavier waved pulling up Karita from the water.

"Girl!"  Karita smiled.

Maria stripped down to her bikini and jumped into the pool and quickly paddled over to where Derek was swaying.

"Woah. Calm down" Derek held onto Maria 

 "You know-- I heard you guys are going on a road trip. And i-i Wanted to go too but i don't want to go home anymore. I can I please." Maria cried onto Dereks shoulder.

"You can go." Derek smiled wrapping his hands around Maria.

"Cute couple." Karita said coming closer and was on Xaviers back.

"Why are you crying?" Xavier cocked his head to the side.

"Maria is coming too." Derek declared.

"Okay." Xavier and Karita cheered.

Xavier and Karita stalked off both in their own world laughing and smiling at whatever the other had said or cracked up.

"Derek?" Maria asked

"Yes?" Derek asked his eyes on Karita and Xavier

"Thankyou." Maria bowed her head.

"You look like a princess. Say what do you call a princess in Spanish?" Derek nodded in her way.

"Princessa." Maria smiled.

"Anytime Princessa." Derek smiled genuinely.

Maria then turned around grinning maliciously and splashed some water on Derek and laughed as Derek shriekd horrifiedly.

"HOW DARE YOU." Derek grinned stepping closer to Maria.

"OMG water fight!" Karita yelled jumping in the pool.

"I'm in." Xavier yelled jumpin in after Karita.

"Ooh one sec." Maria squeked'

Maria ran over to the chair and brought over the camera.

"Smile!" Maria squeled.

"Forever!" Karita squeled.

"Forever!" Derek and Xavier laughed.


Derek's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and looked at the beautiful Maria laying fast asleep. 

"Forever" I whispered into the darkness. 

I let my love linger in the darkness of the room. It was a good life. Karita, It was a good life. 

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