Chapter 16

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I answered the video call, that rang for several minutes. Before I answered I just stared at the Xavis profile picture. It was of both of us, we were in front of an amusement park. I wore blue faded shorts and a short black tank top with a white smiley face. Xavier wore a brown three quarters pant and a light grey shirt. In the picture we both had smiles on our our face and we were both looking directly at each other. Our eyes squinted and our hairs mussed by the wind. I had an arm around his waist and another was holding on to my hat. Xavier had an arm around my shoulder and the other caressing my left cheek. The sun was setting behind us, a purple orange atmosphere. It was like we were in a daze, daze of each other. I answered and the picture dissolved and it was replaced by Xavier's troubled face. I hung my head on my hands, beautiful. So beautiful.
"I love you." I stated a tear rolled down my cheek.
His troubled facade broke and a face of dreary and exhaustion was revealed. He ran his hand through his hair, just like he always did when he was stressed. He lowered his eyes, deep in thought. Nothing had changed, he hadn't changed , we haven't changed. Within that moment all my tedious ferocious problems demolished itself, and I just stared at the pixel led version of the man that my heart so deeply ached for.
"I love you too. You okay ?" He sighed
" I am now. I've missed you!"
I imagined flinging my arms arounds his soft pale warm necks, my arms were so attached to, and then showering and smothering him with passionate kisses. My dark thoughts simmered down and were ushered back into their cages. These thoughts, this being in love stood out and kicked depression in the bum. I could hear my hear giggling at my over working mind. Mimicking it's horrible attempt and then mocking it. My heart at this very moment was content. It was loving the nourishment it was receiving at this moment, it was dancing , twirling and prancing. A spark had ignited in my eyes, I guess I've found my key.
"Don't ever jump please babe." His voice croaked.
"I promise I won't." I winked.
It was a promise I intend to keep. As long as I had my key, no matter how old or rusty, if I had my key then I would force myself to stay. My heart would have to persuade my mind, play a little trick to control it. I'm going to last.
"Did you have anything to eat yet Hun?" Xavier wiggled his eyebrows
I threw my head back in response. My body shook from fits of laughter, and my lips parted allowing giggles to lace out melodically.
"No, actually." I replied when I calmed myself down.
"Good, we can enjoy a meal together then."
I smiled. I grabbed my instant mama noodles and slurped the first bite in front of the camera. He slowly took a bite from his sandwich, wasn't sure what kind but I'm guessing peanut butter. He paused for a dramatic effect. I rolled my eyes and proceeded slurping. It was a quite meal. Yet somehow with him just being there was enough. We were enough. We were content.
"Good meal?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Perfect meal." I winked
And it was. Perfection spun through the air, and our thoughts. Perfection carved itself unto our unspoken words. It drilled itself into the very basis of our relationship. It was what made us so special, so accepted with one another. Our understanding and expectations of each other were perfect. They all fell into place perfectly , like a key and lock. He was my key to my old rusty battered locked heart. With his words, eyes and love. I was melting. Fast.
"I have class. Shit. Love you babe, bye." He groaned.
"Bye love you." I smiled.
The video ended and right before I was about to log off, I received a message. It was from Xavier.
'I love your eyes
I love your smile
I love your hair
I love your voice
I love your laugh
I love your weirdness
Most importantly
I love you'
I swear I could feel heat rise on the back of my neck. Oh Xavier. Only you. Only you.

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