Chapter 4 (Edited)

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I was running. My feet kept moving, my heart kept beating. I was still running. It was catching up with me. No no, it was going to catch me. The shadows were catching up to me, they were catching up, they were side by side, side by side, side by side. My feet stopped and it jerked my body backwards. I stumbled, then fell and fell and fell. A pair of hands reached out for me, it reached and reached as I fell and fell and fell. The harsh concrete ground greeted my fragile broken body. I looked up, there was no one there. No one. Not even a hand. I was alone, all alone. Alone, the word pounded in my head over and over again. I was alone. I looked up above me, to the enclosing darkness, I wanted to scream, to vent, to let out all my sorrow and frustration. I wanted to so I did. I screamed, at first it was soft and melodic, but then over time it became high pitched and harsh. No one heard, no one came, no one cared. But I didn't stop, I screamed and screamed my hearts content. Emotions blew up within me, they were overflowing that I was shocked and confused. I was confused and hurt. I was so many things. Most of all I was alone.

My eyes fluttered open, and I groaned. I looked around, the whiteness of the room blinded me as my eyes have not yet adjusted to the room setting and I was completely flustered. The blandness of the room was suffocating, and almost deathly. I gasped for air, my windpipe opened up, grasping in air, more and more. My lungs were hungry and dry and and it felt as if they were eating up every last bit of oxygen left on planet earth. I turned my head to my side, Xavier, stood there eyeing me. His eyes welled up in worry and his hands shook from panic. His eyes widened when I turned my head to him, I stared and stared, then motioned him to come over, closer and closer. I smiled warmly at the sight of him.

"You okay?" He sighed.

"What happened?"

"An attack."


I grinned a goofy grin. I grabbed the white sheets that covered me then threw it over and I stretched my hands in the hair. I fluffed my hair then looked for my shoes. I grabbed my black 2000 baht bedazzled black converse. I grabbed Xavier's hand and pulled him out of the nurse room. I pushed my back against the wall and pulled on Xavier's collar bone. I collided my dry, pale pink lips on his soft bright pink lips. My lips danced on his, satisfying all the hunger in the world. I pulled back and rested my head on his chest.

"What are you thinking?" He smirked.

"You know, the usual, you, me, us." I giggled.

"What about us?"

"Should we wear a couples outfit to the date tonight?"

He threw his head back and parted his lips. A melodic symphony cam out of those parted lips. His hair flew loosely as he jerked his head back and forth. He knew I didn't want to talk about what just happened immediately, he understood me and he dropped the subject. For that, for his willingness to understand me is something I will forever be grateful for. His eyes had a sparkly glint, but as soon as it was there it was out of sight, he closed his eyes, savouring the moment.
"As long as I don't get pink." He mumbled.

"Pshaw, pink is awesome."

"The you wear it."

"Naw, pink ain't for me."

"That slang though."

"I'm so ghetto yeh?"

"Well you're missing a gun and a lot more oomph babe." 

I lightly slapped his shoulder in response. I grabbed his hand and tugged on him, asking him to follow me. We walked down the hallways, past the crowd, through the pain. It was silent, but we were content, just waking, hand in hand, side by side, and happy. He managed to do that every time, always keeping me happy, saving me from the darkest monster I have ever come face to face with: myself.  Someone suddenly caught my eye. Derek. He stood by his locker, one leg pressing against the locker and the other normally poised, he had a hand tangled in his hair and the other hand twirling a blood red rose, his eyes darted from the rose to the floor and then back at the rose, I wonder which girl he was trying to woo now. He seemed to be deep in thought, maybe I should apologise, but not now, later though I just might.. I looked up at Xavier, that nightmare would never be a reality. I wouldn't let it become a reality. I might have so little, but at the same time it's more than enough. I am happy. I'm not alone, never will be. Won't let myself be alone. I am strong. Xavier's with me, Derek is with me well hopefully is still with me, there are many more too. They'd stand by me. I'm sure of it. I am not alone. I squeezed Xavier's hand a little bit and a smile etched upon my face.

"You okay?" Xavier questioned.

"Yes, I'm happy." I beamed looking up at him. 

"Thats great babe." He smiled back "That's honestly great" 

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