Chapter 34

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Derek's P.O.V

        I leaned against the car, twirling the car keys in my hand. I stared at the doorway awaiting Karita's presence warm the atmosphere I was standing under. I used a hand to brush away a strand of hair that fell softly on my forehead. I heard the door creak open attracting my eyes attention. 

"Hello there." I smiled at her.

She curtsied a little, tilting her head to the side. "Do I look OKay?"

"Is that a trick question? Because you know you look gorgeous." I smiled at her taking her in.

        She wore a with plain  sleeveless dress that ended right above her knees. There was white belt connected to the dress which was neatly tied up in a bow behind her back. Her brown hair was let down, however a part of her hair was tied up, so like a half updo with a bow on the top. Arianna's style was it? I believe something along the lines of that.

"Getting creative with your adjectives now are we?" She smirked at me while I opened the door for her to get in the car.

"I've been reading." I winked at her.

        She let her lips part and a short chuckles escaped her lips, and her eyes twinkles, letting her hair gently slide of her shoulder and on to her backs. 

"Breathtaking." I said, getting into the drivers seat.

"Is that so?" She turned to me.

"Yes, absolutely. May Ikissyou?" It came out in a rush.

She nodded stiffly. I didn't need more time. I pulled in and let my lips meet hers. It was slow at first but just as I was about to pull back I felt her arms wrap around my neck pulling me closer to her. I let my tongue slip into her mouth, exploring the beauty of her in her mouth. We pulled apart and I felt her hands grip onto mine.

"Derek." She turned to smile, closing her eyes and letting her smile grow along with the rosiness of her cheeks. Her hair seemed to fly with the wind, She looked straight out of a movie for a moment. 

I smiled at her.

"You said Derek and not Xavier for once." I whispered.

"Pardon?" She questioned leaning in.

"nothing." I grinned, starting the car, and driving off with the warmth of her hand on mine, I felt I could die happy.


I gripped on to her hand dragging her along with me as her other hand gripped tightly on the cotton candy. I watched intently as she let her lips grip on the cotton candy and then let her lips slide on her upper lip. But then what I saw made me almost lose my step. The ring that Xavier had given her, her wedding ring, she is still wearing them. She is still in her own with her little world, wedded to Xavier. I felt rage blow up within me. Is this entire date meaningless then? A whole act of self pity? Or is she using me to drown out her sorrows? So this was all an act? It is always Xavier. Xavier this and Xavier that. The kiss we shared in the morning, she took her time before saying my name however whenever she would accidentally say Xavier's name, there was no hesitation when the name slipped out. The whole Derek thing, she is still replacing me with Xavier. I threw of her hand from mine, and a shock expression on her face grew. 

"You bitch." I hissed at her.

She choked on her cotton candy when she heard the hostility in my voice.

"Still wearing that wedding ring are you now? So you think I am just a stand in For Xavier? Look, I have waited long enough and yet you kiss me because you PITY ME. YOU SAY MY NAME BUT IN YOUR HEAD IT IS STILL XAVIER. I care for you, I would give my life for you but you do not give two shits about me. And I hate you for that. I hate you for only ever causing me PAIN. When I have done so much for you." I hissed at her staring her down with a hostile glare.

Her cotton candy slipped from her hand and I could see the tears well up in her eyes, she looked at her feet.

"I am sorry." She whispered and then spun on her heels and took off.

It took me a while before realizing what I just did. I slapped myself hard, I hurt her. I keep on hurting her, I keep making the most important girl in the world to me cry. I keep adding on to her pain. As of the moment she is running blindly. Something might happen to her, Karita please come back. I am sorry. I am so sorry. 



What did I do?



Karita, please come back.

I ran of into the direction she ran to.

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