Chapter 36

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Derek's P.O.V.

I layed in bed with what little of my heart is still within me. I let my eyes roam around the small and compact apartment I rented a few months back. I couldn't bring myself to go back into their apartment, I couldn't bring myself to be around the things that reminded me of her. I took in a deep breath and ran a hand through my hazel mused hair. I groaned internally, letting my brain play pictures of her laughter and every other moment we all spent together. The way her eyes would shrink when her lips would peal into a smile and the way she would scrunch her nose for a second or two before breaking out into hysterics. I walked up to the living room and grabbed the framed photo I had. Karita was on Xaviers back and he was leaning a bit forward, her hair was tied in a pony tail with the blue bit showing slightly, Xavier's brownish blonde hair wooshed along with the air, His three qaurter faded gray pants were on, with a a brown T-shirt and the Karita's string of her tanktop showed including her black shorts. I had a hand on Karita's back and the other around Xavier's chest, sort of like hugging the both of them. My eyes were squinted because the smile on my face took up most of the space leaving so little space for my eyes. The happiness almost looked unreal to me now, There was no way I could ever be like that again. I wish I could but my reasons for happiness are no longer here. 

        I left my car and allowed the security to park it for me, enjoying the luxury of having a good job. I gripped on my brief as I stepped into the elevator. I turned to my side and their stood a girl with wrong brown hair, glasses on the bridge of her nose. A petite figure hugged by a tight blouse and a straight skirt ending 4 cm above her knees, she had her blazer folded in half hung on her left arm. She turned to entertain my eyes, and then her eyes widened.

"OMG, Derek!" She squeled.

"I'm sorry, do we know one another?" I stared at her bewildered.

"Karita's wedding, I stood next to you when we took that group selfie before Karita walked the aisle." She babbled.

"Oh, Maria!" I grinned in realization.

"That's right." She flashed her pearlly teeth.

"You work here now?" I stuttered.

"Yes, todays my first day!" She smiled softly.

"Well then, we should celebrate! We should go get a drink." I winked.

"Asking me out already now are you, boss?" She giggled, flipping her hair.

"Yeah well, I um." I mentally groaned at how she made me stuttered.

"You um what?" She lifted her eyebrows.

"I like to make sure all my employees feel at home." I declared collecting myself.

"That's nice to know." I watched her eyes twinkle.

        She almost looked like Karita. Her posture and manner, the way she laughed and behaved. She was like Karita. Maybe that's why they got on so well.

        I stirred my coffee, watching the drink move in circles.

"So you were the girl who Karita used to hang out with in the seventh to eight grade?" I questioned.

"Your memory goes way back eh? I see how you're our boss. Yeah, we were the best of friends, still are pretty close." She smiled.

"What happen?" I asked.

"People changed. She became more close with the 'in' crown, because she was well very likable, I'm sure you were aware of that. She also I guess drifted away after the third friend came in. I don't really know, times just changed." She still had a smile, but her eyes grew sad and tired.

"I see. How did you get to know her?" I questioned further.

"That's an easy one. It was in the seventh grade, second day. Before Art, she was a newbie and she walked up to me and smiled at the choice of book and we immediately clicked. She was so fun to be around and she was persistent. Xavier and her were so cute together too." She laughed.

"So you knew Xavier too?" I looked her in the eye.

"I knew him alright. He was my cousin. and every girl wanted either him or you." She laughed once more.

"And who did you want?" It slipped out from my mouth.

"You." She smiled a crooked one. "You see a Karita in me, don't you?" 

I nodded sadly.

"The only reason I attract you is because I behave like Karita in so many manners." She laughed, throwing her head back.

"When you put it that way, I apologize." I bowed my head slightly.

"No no, don't. You're still hurting. Besides it'll be fun, the chase." She smiled getting up and sliding out of the chair.

"That was indeed a great time." I said getting up as well leaving the money on the table.

"No no, we are not done. Not yet. You're going to take me to the aquarium, because I am in the mood of feeling like a fish." She laughed hooking her hands with mine.

"Say what?" I cocked my head.

"Don't worry, I won't bite." She let her teeth clamp shut.

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