Chapter 20: Care of the King

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"George.....thank you............for everything"


A pain in my head woke me from my sleep. I looked at the clock on the wall to see that it was one o'clock in the morning. I placed a hand on my forehead and looked over at the door to see Carter standing guard, his eyes drooping like he was over half asleep. Maybe even sleeping standing straight up like a horse.

I felt bad to wake him up, but I needed some sort of medicine. I opened my mouth to yell at him, but my voice wouldn't seem to work. My mouth was dry and sour and all that came out was a horrible croak. Narrowing my eyes in annoyance, I looked around for something to throw at him. I decided on one of my heels that were sitting on the ground. I leaned over the edge of the bed and stretched my arm, grasping the fancy shoe in my hand. I sat up straight again and hurled it across the room at Carter. (A/N: Lol poor Carter)

I gasped as it made contact with his arm. He immediately jumped, unsheathed his sword, and screamed "WHAT IN THE NAME OF GEORGE WASHINGTON?!"

"Sorry, sorry, sorry! I'm so sorry! My throat hurts so I couldn't yell." I said hurriedly with a croaky voice.

"You better be sorry......" he muttered, putting his sword back up. Carter sighed dramatically and walked over to the side of the bed. "What do you need?" he said in annoyance.

"My head is killing me." I answered.

"That's not my problem. I'll go get the king." Carter rolled his eyes and walked out of the room and across the hall to what I assumed was George's room. Great. Now he's mad at me.

After a few moments, King George rushed into the room, Carter dragging behind at a very slow pace. George was carrying a lantern and wearing a white dress shirt and matching pants. His bright blue eyes were sleepy, but still wide and alert, panic and concern written all over his face.

He set the lantern down on the nightstand and I closed my eyes as he felt my cheeks and forehead with his hands. "Another fever." he announced and Carter shouted a sarcastic "yippee". Sending Carter a murderous glare, he moved to the bathroom, disappearing from sight. Soon, he walked back into the room with a rag and a glass of water. A caring smile on his face, George placed the cold, wet rag on my forehead and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Here, love. I should warn you, it won't taste very pleasant." he said, handing me the glass of water that I assumed had medicine mixed in it. I carefully poured it down my throat, a bitter taste touching my tongue as I quickly swallowed it in a forced gulp.

"Thank you." I said, pulling a face of disgust as I handed the cup back to it. He smiled lovingly and brought a hand up to cup my cheek. "Of course, my darling."

My face was hot, and not just because of the fever.

Timeskip (the next morning)

My eyes fluttered open and I squinted them, my head aching (but not as bad as it was before). I easily adjusted my eyes to the dimly lit room and looked up to see Carter and the king talking quietly by the door.

King George noticed that I was awake and beamed, instantly walking away from Carter and to the edge of my bed.

"Good morning, love. Do you feel any better?" he asked, holding my hand.

"A bit." I said, smiling reassuringly. "Aubrey is bringing up some soup and a glass of water in a few minutes. If there's anything else....."

"I'm fine, George.....thank you............for everything." I said truthfully.

He smiled sweetly and kissed my forehead as the door opened and Aubrey walked in with the soup.

After I finished eating, I felt even better, but I knew it wouldn't last long. George had left the room a few minutes before, and he returned a book in his hands.

"My dear, if you would like, I could read to you to keep you entertained.....?"

I smiled. "I'd like that." I scooted over and patted the spot next to me in the bed. George climbed in under the covered and pulled me close to him, his arm around me as my head rested on his chest.

"What are we reading?" I asked curiously as the king opened the book.

"It's a book of poems. They are said to be relaxing. 'A Hymn to the Moon by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Thou silver deity of secret night, direct my footsteps through the woodland shade; thou conscious witness of unknown delight, the Lover's guardian, and the Muse's aid! By thy pale beams I solitary rove, to thee my tender grief confide; serenely sweet you gild the silent grove, my friend, my goddess, and my guide......"

George continued to read the poem, but my eyes were too heavy to keep open. I closed them, listening to the soothing sounds of the king's heartbeat and his calm, entrancing as I drifted off to sleep.

A/N: FINALLY another chapter. I am SO sorry it took me so long to write another chapter. I guess I was caught up with school and needed a break.

I'm on Christmas break now though, so I'm back on to writing. I seriously wrote a whole original book (the first in the series) in only TWO DAYS. I still can't believe it. Go check it out if you want. It's called "Destiny [ The Chronicles of Wisteria ]" and I am co-writing the book series with CarterRay846

Anyways, thank you for all the votes, reads, and comments. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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