Chapter 5: Letters

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"I can't believe you and the king are exchanging love letters"

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"I can't believe you and the king are exchanging love letters"

One Week Later: Y/N's POV

"Y/N! Come quick! There's a letter for you!" I heard Peggy's voice call from downstairs. I frowned. I never got letters.....

Standing up from my place at my desk where I had been writing in my diary, I made my way downstairs, my elegant dress swishing behind me as I went.

When I got to the bottom, I saw that all three of my sisters were standing in a group, giggling with grins on their faces.

I frowned in suspicion and cautiously took the letter from Eliza's hands. I opened it without looking at the address on the front and unfolded it to reveal beautiful handwriting.

My dearest Y/N,

It has only been a mere day since we met, as of when I am writing this, but I have not gone a moment since then without thinking about you. At random times of the day, your face would appear in my mind, with no context or reason. Just your face. You.

By the time you have gotten this letter, you will probably be back home. Thousands of miles away from me. I'm not sure what this strange feeling is that I get when I think of you, but it has and will taunt me for eternity.

I guess what I am trying to say is: I want to write to you often. Just keep it touch. Maybe we will discover what this strange feeling I have is.

I hope you are well and I wish you the best.

Yours truly,
King George lll

My cheeks were hot and red by the time I finished reading, but I said nothing, handing it to Angelica to read. Eliza and Peggy read it over her shoulders.

Once they had all finished, there was a bunch of squeals of excitement. "Y/N, the king's in love with you!" all three of them exclaimed at once, making my cheeks somehow get redder. "I can't believe this. 'Yours truly', Y/N this is unbelievable. You have to write back." Peggy urged, shoving the letter back into my hands.

"Write back to who?" my father's voice asked curiously as he walked into the room.

"Y/N got a love letter from the king!" Peggy and Eliza said simultaneously. I lightly hit Peggy on the hand. "It was not a love letter." I denied.

"Let me see for myself." I handed him the letter and the room was silent as he read over it, his eyes occasionally growing wider.

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