Chapter 11: Overboard

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"I'm sorry

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"I'm sorry......I just want to go home......."


My hair and dress flowed in the rough water around me. It was the coldest water I had ever felt, mostly because it was December and a very cold day.

My eyes quickly closed so that the salt wouldn't sting them as I floated further and further down.

My body quickly went numb from the freezing waters and my head started spinning as I ran out of breath. I was going to die.
I flinched as some arms wrapped around my paralyzed body, holding onto me tightly as they forcefully swam towards the surface.

I felt my head come out of the water and gasped for breath, finding enough strength to hold onto whoever had rescued me. I struggled to catch my breath and failed to open my eyes as I felt myself being carried up a ladder, my rescuer having some difficulty getting us both up.

Finally, I could feel that I was standing on solid ground again, so I opened my heavy eyes and saw that I was back on the ship.

The king rushed over and the soldier who had rescued me let go of my arms.

I immediately fell forward, but the king caught me and picked me up bridal style. I closed my eyes and laid my head on his shoulder as he carried me into the king's quarters, wrapping his cape around me. Then I faded into unconsciousness.


My eyes fluttered open as I awoke from being unconscious. They widened in surprise when I saw that I was wrapped up in the king's cape, in a new dress that was red, and the king was holding me in his arms as he he sat on the edge of the bed, humming soft "da, da, da"s.

 They widened in surprise when I saw that I was wrapped up in the king's cape, in a new dress that was red, and the king was holding me in his arms as he he sat on the edge of the bed, humming soft "da, da, da"s

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I shivered from still being freezing cold and the king stopped humming, his eyes lowering to look at me.

King George sighed in relief and wrapped his arms tighter around me and I leaned the side of my head on his chest. "Don't you ever...Why did you.......You could've been....." he gave up on talking and just closed his eyes (which I could tell were watery).

"I'm sorry......I just want to go home......." I said, my voice cracking as I tried not to cry.

"Oh, love.......I promise you'll learn to love it here.......I'll keep you safe and happy......." he said, running his fingers through my hair. I stayed silent for awhile, letting him stroke my hair as I buried my face in his chest, trying to stay warm.

After a few minutes, I decided to ask some questions I had been thinking of . "How long was I out?"

"About eleven hours. I was just checking on you when you woke up." he explained.

"And........the dress........?" He was about to speak but I cut him off. "N-Nevermind.......I don't wanna know........" I shuddered and he chuckled.

I yawned and closed my eyes, feeling strangely tired, even though I had been unconscious for eleven hours.

"Already tired? Well, it is 9:00 and you've had a pretty rough day. I suppose you should get to sleep." the king said.

I opened my eyes as he stood up, picking me up bridal style. "Hmm.......We should probably get you something to sleep in......" he said, rubbing his chin in thought as his brow furrowed.

"No.....I-It's fine......I can sleep in this....." I said, not wanting to have to change.

"Nonsense." He set me down on the edge of the bed and walked over to a dresser. He came back over with a night gown and handed it to me.

"I'm going to get you some tea since you haven't drank anything since.......well, you know. You can change while I'm gone." With that, he left the room, giving me some privacy. Shivering from still being cold, I changed into the nightgown. It was simple and pretty comfortable. I didn't really have much of a problem with it, even though it was a bit see-through.

 I didn't really have much of a problem with it, even though it was a bit see-through

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King George came back in moments later, holding a cup of tea. He set it on the bedside table and I awkwardly stood there, hugging myself.

He smiled that insanely sweet smile and then swooped me up bridal style, setting me down on the bed and pulling the covers over me. I sat up as he handed me the warm cup of tea. I took a sip and felt a lot better.

The king sat down on the edge of the bed and watched me drink the tea with loving eyes. I tried to ignore it, imagining my sisters and what we would be doing if I was still at home.

"Why are you crying, my love?" King George said with concern. I hadn't realized that a few silent tears were running down my face and my hands that held the teacup were trembling.

The king took the cup from my hands and placed it on the table as more tears ran down my cheeks.

He gently wiped them away with his thumb. "What's wrong?"

"I wanna go home........" I whispered, barely able to hear. King George smiled sympathetically and caressed my cheek with his hand that had wiped away my tears.

The king gently pushed me back so that I was laying down. "Don't worry yourself, love. Get some sleep." I closed my eyes and lay motionless as he kissed my forehead before standing up. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight....." I mumbled, drifting off to sleep.

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