Somewhere Quiet. (351)

Start from the beginning

Magna sighs loudly and I try to ignore her judging eyes watching my every move as Fangs watches hers.
"Why don't you guys go do something useful." I snap.
I stomp over to the door and open it widely for them.
"Unattended?" Yumiko chimes mockingly and Kelly elbows her.
"Don't be mean." She chides.

"Are you sure they'll let us walk around freely out there without being shot or tackled to the ground?" She tries again.
"Probably not but it beats sitting inside all the time, right?"
They continue to stare at me.

I groan, they're so hard to work with. "Okay, you guys wait outside the door, backs turned and I'll find something slightly more interesting for you to do than watching these four walls like you've been doing for the past few days. Deal?"
"That's not suspicious at all." Magna remarks.

"I want to speak to Connie."
"C'mon let's just go, anything is better than staying in here all day." Kelly ushers the others out the door. I watch them through the window as they turn their backs away from us.
"Do you need a translator?" Kelly offers before closing the door behind her.
"We've got plenty of pens and paper in here, but thanks." I smile appreciatively.

They close the door and stay outside and Connie stands still in the center of the room, watching my lips, waiting for me to explain what's going on.
"Watch them, make sure they don't peak."
She frowns at my odd request but she doesn't argue.
I turn and begin to pull books off the shelf, more specifically pregnancy books.

I use my body as a shield between them and Connie so she doesn't see what I'm doing. I scan each book as quickly as I can, I finally find a book with a list of do's, don't's and what to avoid. I throw a glance over to Connie who continues to stare out the window.

I read the names of many medicines to stay away from, some names too big to even pronounce but my eyes spot a few familiar names like 'Ibuprofen', 'Advil' 'Nyquil' and 'Aspirin'. These are medicines I can get my hands on but the question is how much can I take.

I jump when a hand reaches in front of me placing a small notepad page on the desk next to the book.
'I'm deaf, not blind.'
I sigh in defeat. "Sorry."
She flicks to another page.
'Are you pregnant?"
I shake my head.
"Jesus, no."

I take the pen from her and flip the page over.
'It's for a friend. Please don't tell.'
She smiles kindly and pretends to zip her lips and throw away the key. She grabs the paper, crumples it up and shoves it in her pockets before turning back to her spot at the door.

I pace over to the medicine cabinet and sift my fingers through every bottle and pill packet possible as I search for something appropriate for my... situation. The bottles softly clink together as I hurry until my hands finally find a bottle of NyQuil

I shove it in my pocket, arrange the cabinet exactly how I found it and close over the doors. Siddiq offered me a job in here, probably because I've been here enough times to know what goes on around here, which is why I search for is 'medical Bible' next. On a small study desk in the furthest corner of the room there is a stack of books.

I automatically go for the familiar one, tall, wide and blue with Siddiq's name scribbled across the front of it. I open the book and flick through his notes and tips, patients and inventory which happens to be at the back of the book. Reaching for both a eraser and pencil I remove a bottle of NyQuil from its contents.

I take a quick scan around the room, happy that it looks as it was and grab the key from the desk drawer.
I pat Connies shoulder as I pass her, opening the door for her.
"Let's go."
Without a word she obliges and I follow her outside with the others, Fangs included. I lock the door and carefully out the key in my pocket so it doesn't clink off the bottle.

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