The Selfish Bitch Has Feelings. (325)

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"Where do you think they'll keep her?" Kai asks as I plop down on the top floor of the watch tower. I let my feet dangle over the edge of the window, giving me butterflies in my stomach.
"Malia? I don't know, but if she's at home then I'm not going back there... actually I will but only to get Kara and Judith and get the hell out of there."

"How do you know her?" He asks as he sits next to me.
I sigh "I ran into her when I was trying to find my way back home after the asylum."
"And you didn't kill her?" He sounds surprised.
"Yeah, I know I'm shocked too."
He chuckles. "So what happened?"
I shrug. "Nothing really. We ate dinner and talked and the next morning we went our separate ways."

"So you were talking about me?"
"Yes but she didn't know I knew you."
I watch him silently as he reaches into his waistband and pulls out a knife, Camilla's knife to be exact. He then uses it to pull out the cork jammed in the wine bottle. He takes the first swig and then passes it to me.

"I assume you have questions?" I murmur before lifting the bottle to my lips and tilting the bottle upwards. The taste can only be described as tangy and bitter as I first sip it but with the following sip it becomes a little smoother, and richer in flavor. I still don't really like it but I need this distraction just as much as Kai does too.

Kai responds by nodding.
"But I don't know where to start."
"Well, you know about the sanctuary and how I got to the asylum. When I was there at first I couldn't really think straight. It was either torture, exhaustion or drugs that kept my mind foggy but I was lucky to have a nurse. Her name was Joyce and she was my best friend in there. She quite literally saved my life."

"She started hiding he drugs so I didn't have to take them and so when it was lunch time I could think more clearly, I was aware of my surroundings and I was sat at a table next to a girl with the prettiest green eyes I've ever seen and for a long time that was her name until we became friends." I explain.

I hear him take a deep breath. "Camilla?" He breathes.
I hand the bottle back over to him and he swishes down another mouthful.

"She was smart. Really smart. She fooled all the guards there. She hadn't been taken her drugs for months and nobody suspected a thing and she taught me how to trick them too."
I release a sound between a groan and a cry. I hated talking about this just as much as I hate about thinking about it.

"Camilla and Joyce helped me form a plan to escape and it almost worked out perfectly. I stupid enough to have hope that we could all be free and..."
I wipe the stupid tears from under my eyes. "I was so excited to bring her home to you, Kai, because after everything you did for me I just thought 'finally, I can do this one thing for him.' And then that stupid bitch Clover killed them both."

Kai hands me the bottle back and I don't hesitate to tilt it back and drink it in gulps as if it was water. I place the bottle on the ground between us and lie back on the ground. The ceiling starts to move and I groan.

"This is gonna sound stupid and I guess I know the answer but... did they torture her too?" He asks.
"She never showed any sign of weakness or pain. I never noticed but I'd be very surprised if she spent that long in there without visiting the chair or the tub."
"We seen that, you know. The tub. Did they drown you?"
"Tried. They tried to drown me. You know, the most painful part of drowning isn't the pain you experience when your lungs scream and beg for air and the intense, screeching, scalding pain that builds in your chest. The most painful part of drowning is realizing that no matter how hard you kick or squirm in the water, trying to reach the surface, eventually, you realize that there's no hope and even you have to give up on yourself. After everything, after fighting for so long, eventually you allow the water to fill your lungs and the darkness to take over." I whisper.

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