"Hey, Miss K." (336)

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I wake to Kai squirming in the bed, trying to get comfy I suppose. I reluctantly open my eyes. I mustn't have moved around at all last night as I'm exactly where I remember, my head against his chest and his arms draped around me, pulling me close. The only difference is his head now weighing down on my own as if using me as his pillow despite having one mere inches away. His warmth makes me want to stay here forever, frozen in time.

I lie still for a while, even floating in and out of consciousness again until I finally wake up for good when light floods through the cracks in the boarded window and I can hear the small birds chirping outside. It must be pretty early and I don't want to wake Kai but I'm getting too hot, uncomfortably hot.

I try to use my leg to kick off the blanket but Kai has it cocooned around us. I sigh in frustration. I can't take it anymore, I'm literally sweating.
"Kai." I whisper, shaking him gently.
No response just a soft snore.
I groan as I try to lift him off me but instead his body weight pushes me backwards and he flops on top of me, practically crushing me.

"UGH! KAI!" I complain as I finally shove him off me and he falls back onto the other side of the bed. I sit up and fling the blanket off me, sighing in relief.
When I feel the bed shaking I look back at Kai who is laughing so hard his shoulders shake but no noise comes out. He's gasps and clutches his stomach dramatically.
I roll my eyes. "You were awake the whole time?"
He nods as he finally controls himself.
"Jackass." I mumble as I fight off a smile.

"MADS!" I hear Carl call from downstairs.
I hear a soft pounding from outside and races up the stairs and when he calls my name he's closer.
I grab the blanket just in time to cover myself as he bursts into the room.

"Jesus Carl! Don't you knock?"
He looks confused between Kai and I.
"Well,...uh, I presumed screaming your name from downstairs all the way up here was enough warning."
Kai shrugs at his fair point and I swat at him.

"I, uh, I didn't realize you were ... staying the night Kai." Carl looks at the ground awkwardly.
To be fair, Carl doesn't realize Kai spends most nights here.
"Yeah..." Kai rubs the back of his head and purses his lips.

I shake my head. "What was so urgent before?"
A sudden smile bursts across Carl's face.
"They're back."
My heart skips a beat and I start for the door only for Kai to catch my hand, stopping me while also using his other hand to secure the blanket around me.

"Uh, maybe wait for Carl to leave before you get up. I think clothes would be a good idea, don't you?" He whispers.
"Yeah." I chuckle awkwardly.
Carl rocks back and forth on his feet. "Yeahhhh, I'm just gonna..." he points at the door before practically sprinting from the room.

I laugh. "That was really weird."
Kai flings me a shirt and I throw it over me as I reach for his jeans, tossing them on the bed for him.
We continue like this until we're both dressed. I grab my bow from my dresser and sling it over my shoulder before grabbing my arrows and running down the stairs, with Kai hot on my tail.

I hurry to the gate where I find Michonne and Carl with Judith and Kara.
It doesn't take her long to spot me and wide smile crosses her face, showing off her shiny baby teeth. She runs towards me with her arms open ready as she launches herself into my arms. She nearly knocks me back but Kai grabs ahold of both of us, steadying us in each other's arms.

"Hey kiddo, we missed you."
"I missed you too. Guess what?"
"What?" I ask, Mimicking her excitement.
"Me, Hershel and Jude stayed up really late. We read comics."
"Really?" I smile, I can't help it.
I haven't seen her this excited in a long time.

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