Asthma. (333)

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I try to catch my breath as I run frantically from Aunt Jenna's house. I try to catch up with Judith, but her legs are longer and much faster that mine.

Fangs keeps pace with me and when I stop to finally catch my breath he sits next to me and licks the sweat off my face.
"Ew!" I swat at him but I can't help but throw my arms around his furry neck and bury my face there. He's warm and soft and to be honest, other than Judith, he's my very best friend. He's always been there. Always.

Everyone else at school are assfaces. Aunt Jenna lets me call them that but dad gets annoyed and gives out to me about my language but mom just rolls her eyes. She can't give out because all she does is curse.

"C'mon K!" Jude yells from afar.
I groan as I hurry to catch up with her.
"You're so slow." Judith moans.
"Rather be slow on my feet than in my head." I snap at her.
Judith sighs and rolls her eyes.

"So what do you wanna do? Wanna get your bow and climb the windmill tower and shoot walkers again?" She asks.
"Nah, that's boring! We always do that and I wanna do something different. I wanna go outside, for real. Without mom and dad. I'm strong, why don't they trust me?" I argue.

"So why don't we go outside? You're right, think about it! You have your bow and I have my katana. We're good, we know how to use them. I've seen you take down three walkers in, like, thirty seconds. We can do this!" She smiles devilishly.

I feel a smile spread across my face as I look to Judith. I'm giddy with excitement as butterflies flutter in my stomach.
"This is a bad idea." I giggle, uncaring.
"Yup, you ready?"
"Yup!" We high five and run towards the house.

We can't go inside through the front door because Michonne is home which leads us, again like time after time, to climb on the gutter at the side of the house. Judith goes first and she practically scales the wall without effort. I'm quick on her tail and once I reach the top I grab Judith's offered hand and she pulls me inside the window into moms room. Fangs barks from below and I stick my head out the window. "Shhhh!"

This plan is a normal routine to us. We've done it so many times that it's as easy as breathing. We quickly grab our stuff and make our way back down the gutter pipe.

"Jude, wait at the fence for me, we'll climb it together but I need to do something first." I explain.
"Like what?" She asks as she puts her katana on her back and grips her bag.
"None of your business." I snap.
"Jeez, relax! Don't get your knickers in a twist. Be quick, I'll be waiting at the fence." She whispers once more before running away.
"Fangs go with her." I point at her and Fangs immediately obeys.

I scan the street to see who's there and who's watching. Luckily enough it's pretty much deserted. It's late and everyone is eating dinner.
I clutch my bow in my hand and run down the familiar path. I keep my footsteps quiet but swift. I don't need attention. I quickly cut the next corner and race down the concrete steps.

I pull hard on the heavy door but quickly slide inside and let the door shut itself.
I place my bow on the ground and sit next to the bars that lock Negan in this cage like cell.
"Hey, Miss K." Negan smiles.
I grin too. "Hey."
"You're late today. And lucky too, you just missed your mom. She was here like half an hour ago. It's not like you to be so unobservant about things like that."
I shrug. "I've made it this far without her knowing."
He chuckles. "Yes, you did."
"It's not like my mom to be so unobservant about things like that." I quote him.

"So what did you get up to today? That kid Tyrone still giving you a hard time at school?"
I shrug again. "Nothing I can't handle. I did what you said and tried to ignore him."
Negan rolls his eyes. "But?"
"But he was making fun of dad, because he has one eye. So I told him if he didn't shut up he'd be wearing his ass as a hat. He cried."
Negan laughs and I feel slightly better about the whole situation.

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