Six Years Later. (332)

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I rush into the kitchen frantically and grab the small blue bag from under the table, throwing it onto the counter.
"CARL!" I yell up the stairs but I hear no movement. I don't have time to wait for him either. I focus only on putting the essentials into the bag as I race against time.

I grab a water bottle and throw it into the bag before turning and flinging the fridge door open. I snatch the small paper bag of food I prepared last night in case this happened again. As I shove whatever else is needed in the bag I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the kitchen window.

My hair is like a mad bird nest on top of my head. The bobbin barely holding my hair in the messy bun that has already begun to fall apart in places. My top is inside-out from throwing it on the second I opened my eyes and rushing downstairs. It's also too light for the now cool soon-to-be winter.

"I'm here! I'm up!" Carl rushes past me.
"About time." I roll my eyes.
He throws a jacket to me and I smile in thanks as I shove my arms through the sleeves. He grabs another bag and shoves similar contents inside. We sling a bag each over our shoulder.
"Are they ready?" I ask.
He nods. "They're waiting on the porch."

We rush through the hall and open the front door. The freezing air smacks us in the face and I shudder, despite the jacket I now have on.
"We're gonna be late again mom." Kara complains.
"That's fine by me. Why do we even have to go to school? It's stupid." Judith chimes in.

"Come on guys, lets go. We can't miss the walking group." Carl insists. He grabs both of their hands and walks them down the porch steps, ushering them towards the small group of children who are waiting for the teacher to walk them to the school on the other side of the community.

I help put Kara's school bag on her back and chuckle at how she has to crouch forward to keep her balance from the bag that looks too big for her tiny body.
I turn to help Judith too.
"You forgot your coat." I note.
Judith shrugs. "Sorry. We were in a rush." She blushes.

I take off my jacket and wrap it around her instead. "Be good today, okay? Keep your niece out of trouble. You know how she can be."
Kara rolls her eyes but a hint of a smile plays on her lips, the same crooked smirk as her fathers.
"Bye mom, bye dad." Kara calls over her shoulder as she runs towards her friends, Judith close behind her.

Just before Kara reaches the chattering children she pauses and turns back around. "Are we going to Aunt Jenna's house tonight?" She asks with excitement.
"Only if you stay out of trouble today." I bargain.
She hesitates for a second, pursing her lips before shrugging and joining her friends.

We wave both Judith and Kara off as the walking group starts for the school.
We groan and lean against each other on exhaustion once they're out of sight.
"We need to get a better alarm clock. That's the second time this week we accidentally slept in." I sigh.
"Yeah, I know. Come on, let's go home and eat breakfast." Carl suggests, draping his arm around my shoulders to keep me warm.

We walk back to the house together laughing at stupid jokes and explaining what the day ahead holds for us. When we reach the house we can hear Jenna and Kai talking in the kitchen. It's clear they've made themselves at home by making a breakfast and sprawling themselves across the counter as they wait for us.

"Nice of you to let yourselves in." I tease as we walk into the kitchen.
Fangs rests on the ground, breathing heavily as he stares up at Kai.
Kai's face lights up and he hops off the counter when he sees me.
I smile as he approaches.
"Morning." He leans in and pecks me on the lips.

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