Cold as Ice. (320)

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The feeling inside me is indescribable. Calm, yet electricity buzzes through every fiber of my body. Relaxed, yet fury stirs deep within me. I'm made of fire, yet cold as ice. I'm high off power.

I feel it clench around my heart and rest in the pit of my stomach. It takes me to places I didn't know I could go. And so I watch as she dangles from the rope, ready to fall to her death. I've left her long enough that her face has turned red from the blood rush and long enough for the drugs to wear off. But still, I'm not satisfied.

For once she looks scared. Genuinely frightened. I feel a laugh escape my lips. Funny, how in a world like this someone could still fear death.
"You're lucky." The words bubble from my lips and Clover scoffs.
"Lucky?" She repeats.
I nod. "It's a good way to go out. It'll be the fall that kills you. Quick and painless."
For once, she has nothing to say.

"...that is if I chose to cut the rope..."
sweat drips off her forehead, almost mocking her as it emphasizes the long drop to her death. I watch as she squirms and wrestles to reach the banister to pull herself to safely. Poor attempt, but god loves a trier, right?

I feel my hand lash out to stop her, I'm only half aware of the whip clenched in my hand and even I jump at the sound as it strikes her harshly across the knuckles. She screams in agony as her clutches her hand close to her chest and tilts her head back, crying every curse word under the sun.

"Doesn't feel too great being on the other end of the stick does it? Pun intended." I smirk.
I feel everyone stare at me in horror.
"What? Not good timing?" I shrug.
"Madison... what are you doing ?" Rick asks quietly.
"I'm not sure yet." I answer honestly.
"Mads, believe me, we want her dead too and we want to see her suffer just as much as you but I know you, this isn't you." Carl begs.

I slowly turn to look at him, almost shocked that he said that to me...almost, I know Carl too.
"That's where you're wrong. Nobody wants to see her suffer more than I do. She killed my friends, right in front of me, she tortured Fangs, she kept me from my baby, she drugged me and didn't care about what or who the consequences were and she tortured me for weeks without a trace of compassion."
"Listen to your friends Mrs. Smith." She says in the most calm voice she can muster up but I can still hear a hint of her fear.

"I was beginning to think you had no emotions. After all, they're not real right ? But I can literally smell the fear and desperation coming from you and man, it reeks."
She glares at me.

When I move closer I stand directly in front of her and I reach my hand out and push her gently making in sway back and forth dangerously and listen to the sound of the rope straining to keep her up. Clover screams and the sound travels, bouncing off the rubbled buildings and echoing loudly.

I lean forward to watch as the walkers gather and spread around the building as her scream travels, inviting more of the dead to trap us inside.
I don't have time to process as her hand lunges out and grabs me by my intestine-covered sheet. I feel myself loose balance as she pulls me towards her and for that split second I feel my heart stop, as if it has totally left my body. As I slip forward somebody catches me by my waist but Clover refuses to let go.

When I look down I can see death. I see her practically laughing at me as she waits for me at the bottom. I'm at an angled that I can't reach clover properly to hit her, which wouldn't be a good idea right now anyway and I can't kick my legs out because Rick and Carl and clinging to me. I feel my body freeze over as if it was preparing my body into corpse already and my ears start to ring.

Through the ringing I hear Fangs' intimidating snarl followed by a shriek and before I know it I'm pulled back to safety, behind the balcony. I lie flat in the ground as Rick deals with Clover and Carl shakes my shoulder.
"Mads! MADS! Are you okay? Say something!" He pleads even though my eyes are wide open, and my chest indicates I'm still breathing. I sigh.

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