Screams. (308)

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Kara's screams fill the sitting room as I frantically rock her back and forth, too fast to be comforting, but I don't know what I'm doing. Even when Abbie was a baby I had my brothers that helped sooth her and feed her until finally my mom snapped out of it and became a mother again.

Truth is, I've always had help with Abbie and I've never been left alone with Kara before, not really. My panic only grows when I realize this, sending me into a frenzy almost as much as Kara.

Her arms are stretched out in front of her with her fingers grasping for something that isn't there.
Why did I send Carl away ?
Her tiny face is scrunched up and her mouth opened wide as she screeches, pausing only briefly to breathe.
"I don't know how to help." I cry to her.
I'm probably a bigger mess than Kara right now.
I don't know what to do, I'm a horrible mother.

"What do you want ? Are you hungry?"
I rush to the kitchen and open the cupboard, grabbing the formula.
As I juggle her in one hand and pour the formula into a small bottle I realize I don't know how to make her a bottle. How much formula do I use ? Should I heat it up ? Would that burn her ?

I turn and open the fridge, relieved to find a pre-made bottle for her. I stick it in the microwave for thirty seconds, unsure if I should heat it so it's warm or leave it so it's cold, so I settle on lukewarm. I quickly take the bottle from the microwave and rest the tip of it on her lips. She instantly goes mute as she sucks on the bottle. I relax, breathing a sigh of relief as I slide down the fridge door and sit in the floor of the kitchen.

I wait patiently for her to fall asleep while she eats, just like everyone tells me she does, except she doesn't. Kara only makes it through half the bottle until she spits it out and begins those shrilling cries again. I groan.
"Now what?"
I try soothing her by making a shushing sound and rocking her back and forth gently but she only shrieks louder. Her face turns red and finally she cries herself to the point where she throws up ... all over me... and then starts all over again.

Even Fangs makes a brief appearance in the kitchen to see what all the hassle was about. He sits next two me, licking the tears from my face until finally the noise must have been too intense for him and he saunters from the room.

"How can something so small make so much noise." I whine.
I move and reposition her so she lies on my chest and I hold her close.
"Shhh Kara, we'll figure this out together. I promise."
I rub my hand gently in circles on her back until her screams become less violent and her breathing slows, allowing her to actually breath.

"My mom used to sing this song to me when I was little, she told me she sang it to me when I was a baby and I sang it to Abbie. Well, I wouldn't really say sang, I sound like a cat who got it's tail stuck in a door." I chuckle.
She finally stops crying to listen to my voice.
"But I can hum it to you, I guess. I'd do anything for you."

I take a deep breath and hum the first note, letting the notes flow into each other. I feel the nostalgia hit me as I remember the familiar tune, I haven't heard it in so long. Such a simple tune, soft and soothing, it even relaxes me as I embrace the silence around us.

I continue the tune even when Fangs makes a reappearance and lays beside me, placing his head on my lap and closing his eyes. I decide to do the same as I tilt my head back against the fridge door and close my eyes, not daring to stop humming.

Time must have passed by because I've hummed the tune over and over while trying to remain awake. I couldn't be more happier, or at peace and proud that finally, finally I could do this one thing for her. Even if it was only calming her and getting her to sleep, it was something and I done it all by myself.

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