Somewhere Quiet. (351)

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I make my way downstairs, throwing Kara's odd socks into the basket as I go. Fangs, who already sprinted down the stairs, waits impatiently for me at the bottom of the stairs. I pat his head as I pass him but my mind doesn't wander.

Kara still hasn't spoken to me, she's avoiding me. I'm not sure what to sort out first. I walk into the sitting room and open all the windows. It feels too hot in here. I'm aware it's probably just me but regardless I sit by the window as I think and allow the cool air to hit my skin.

I take a deep breath and I whisper out loud to myself to help me think.
"Okay, talk to Kara. Sort that out... Don't say anything to Kai, not yet, not if you can fix this quickly. I need to go back to the infirmary, maybe there'll be something there to make myself sick enough that..."

I sigh and drop my head into my hands. Even the thought of this sounds horrible, but I never planned on having one baby, never mind two. I'm not going through that again. I'm sure if someone found me right now, they'd lock me in that cell with that girl.

I glance up at the clock on the mantle piece above the fire. It'll be dinner time soon and I don't want to be here when Rick and Michonne get back. I stand up and quickly close the windows before making my way towards the door and calling Fangs. Of course he shoots out in front of me and I close the door behind me.

I walk briskly past the green where all the children in the community play after school. Their screams and laughter fills the air. My eyes scan the small crowd and instantly find Judith, who's smiling widely while chasing others in a game. I tear my eyes away when I don't find Kara. She's still with Rick.

My feet carry me to the infirmary door and I peak through the window first. I spot Siddiq and the newbies inside. I take a deep breath and knock once on the door before entering.
"Hey." Siddiq's voice goes half an octive higher than usual and the shock on his face isn't subtle.
"I didn't think you'd be back."
I shrug. "Yeah, well, I just thought I'd take these guys off your hands. You must be tired. I can clean in here and lock up for you if you wanna get some sleep."
"Yeah, wow, that would be great. Thanks." He beams.

"You gonna stop by tomorrow?" He asks.
"I'm working tomorrow but maybe in the evening. I'll watch these guys again, you've had a rough couple of days."
"Thanks Mads." He pats my shoulder and he reaches behind me to grab his coat.
"Bye guys." He waves before handing me a set of keys and disappearing through the door.

I'm left with Magna, Yumiko, Connie, Luke and Kelly staring at me.
"Nice of you to come back to us." Magna mumbles sourly.
I roll my eyes. "Sorry, I was too busy having a near death experience to babysit for the past few days."
Connies signs something and I look to Kelly for help.
"She said 'what happened?'"
I look to Connie. "It doesn't matter. But everyone's okay now, so nothing to worry about." I smile nervously.

My eyes scan the medical cabinet for something useful. Honestly, I only know how to help people get better, not the other way around. I frown as my eyes move along the rows of books stacked neatly in their shelves.

"You're looking for something?" Kelly questions in a way that sounds like a statement too.
"Just the will to live." I mumble under my breath.
"Are you stealing?" Yumiko asks.
"No, I'm not stealing." I snap but suddenly stop when I realize that I probably will rob something when I find what I'm looking for.
"Oh my god, you're a druggie." Magna laughs loudly, clapping her hands. I've never seen her crack a smile before.

"What are you here for? Morphine? Vicodin? Benzo?"
"Number one, I'm a little curious as to how you know what we have here and number two, don't you think if I was gonna rob drugs from here that I'd, oh I don't know, not have five witnesses watching me?"

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