Lydia. (346)

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I jump up in the bed so fast my head spins.
Kara is still snuggled up in her bed beside me.
I look at Carl who stands in the doorway, already ushering Judith out the door.
"School!" He bellows.
"Oh shit!"

I begin to feel nauseous and I clamp on my mouth to stop myself from getting sick. I hold one finger up, motioning him to wait as I focus on breathing. The room is suddenly really hot.
"You go with Judith. I'll look after Kara." I say through raspy breaths.
He says nothing more, just closes the door and leaves.

I don't move until the walls stop spinning around me. When they finally do I sigh with relief. I look down to see Kara peaking up through one semi opened eye.
I look to the clock on the small table between her and Judiths bed.

"You were awake the whole time." I accuse her through a yawn.
She just shrugs. "I was hoping you'd out sleep the alarm."
I raise a brow.
"You're alarm goes off at 8:30am. You turned it off."
He groans. "I don't wanna go to school."

I grab the blanket and pull it back over us, lying back down and pulling her close.
"I said okay. Just...don't tell your dad. He has work straight after dropping Judith off so he won't be home."
"You're not making me go to school?"
"I don't feel like getting up either." I close my eyes.
"Now shut up and go back to sleep."

I feel Kara poking at my face.
"JESUS! What?" I finally snap.
"Kai is downstairs and it's 10:30am." She explains.
I groan. "Fine."

I open my eyes and use my feet to kick the blanket off us. I grab my shoes and tie them on me while Kara throws on a jumper, leaves her pajama bottoms on and grabs two odd socks and slips them on.

"Would it kill you to put them in the wash when you're finished instead of tossing them on the stairs."
She rolls her eyes as she struggles to tie her hair up.
"C'mere." I usher her over and she hands me the hair tie.

She turns and sits on the edge of the bed, allowing me to pull her hair into a somewhat tidy ponytail.
"I don't toss them. I just take them off when I'm going upstairs." She explains.
"Washing basket is less than a foot away." I note.

Once I'm done I stand up and make her bed for her. We walk downstairs together.
"Sometimes I try to throw them into the basket from halfway up the stairs but I never get them in." She chuckles.
"Well, there goes your career as a professional basketball player." I laugh.

She skips ahead of me into the kitchen and I catch the door behind her before it closes.
"Hey Kai." Kara beams.
"Hey Kar. What are you doing home from school? You sick?"
"Nope." She smiles devilishly.
He turns to me when I walk inside.
"A moment of weakness." I explain to him as I wrap my arms around him.

Kai bites into a slice of toast and fangs sits next to him watching his every move, probably hoping he lets it fall.
"More like an hour and a half of weakness because that's how long I haven't been in school today and if you really want to feel bad about yourself you could add the time that we woke up which was fifteen minutes before school starts when she could've sent me to school. So that makes an hour and.... I dunno, almost two hours."
"Thanks Kara." I roll my eyes.

"Maybe you should send her now. Her maths seems a little slow." Kai teases.
She elbows Kai and he laughs loudly. I say nothing, instead I reach up into the cupboard and grab a bowl and cereal.
I quickly create the concoction with milk, toss a spoon inside and slide it towards Kara.
"Bon appetit!"

Kara, who is practically fluent in Spanish thanks to Kai, looks to him in confusion.
"I've never heard that one before."
"That's because it's not Spanish. It's French."
She grabs the spoon and shovels cereal into her mouth.
"Oh, that's the place with the big confusing tower and all the fancy bread."
"If you mean the Eiffel Tower, then yes."
"Have you ever been mom?" She asks me.

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