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Victoria Baldesarra she's really pretty to me.

*Zayn's POV*

So it's been a couple months since Niall broke up with Nicholas. But during the past months a serious of events took place. Them being:

-Me getting rejected from ManU

-Me being accepted into NSU College of Arts.

-Me getting a girlfriend (I think she's a keeper)

-Niall going absolutely crazy I didn't get accepted to ManU

But now unfortunately we're graduating and only about to have about 3 months before we have to go to college in the fall.

"Zayn help me with this damn cap. It won't stay on." Niall yelled and I laughed going over to him.

"Your heads just to big." I said.

"That's what he said." He said laughing and I smiled shaking my head at his sexual joke.

"We can switch mines a bit loose I said and we traded out hats and he smiled at how it fit perfectly.

"Malik get to the 'M's'" someone yelled at me and I quickly jogged to the M's and took my place.

They started the music and we swayed back and forth one by one stepping out. I walked to the stage and so did the rest of the schools choir.

Once everyone one was to there seat I grabbed the mic and spoke.

"May you please stand and join us in singing the British national anthem." I said and people stood. (A/N: I would only think. I don't live in London)

The choir including me began to sing God Save The Queen. And well when that was over I kindly gave it to the mc. I went and sat back down in my seat which was right behind Niall. Yay I get to fuck with him.

I flicked the back of his head. And his hand flew back there and he slightly turned around glaring at me.

All through the ceremony I kept bothering him. I even got a text saying when this was over he'll 'fuck me up'

"Niall Horan." They called and I heard him and my mum go crazy as well as me.

He got up there smiled then grabbed his diploma fist pumping with it and everyone had to laugh.

I kinda tuned out and someone nudged me.

"I said. Zayn Malik." My counselor said and I walked on stage getting my diploma giving an award winning smile.

I walked of the stage and going back to my seat. "I knew you were a little slow." Niall said turning to face me and I laughed.

Soon after the graduation was over my mum, Victoria's family, and Niall's mom and brother went out for dinner.

"Yes I am proud of Nialler." I said grabbing his cheeks and Victoria laughed.

"That's enough the foods coming Zayn." My mum said.


"Would you come on." Niall said pulling me and Victoria towards the door of the party.

This big graduation party. We went in and soon found the living room that wasn't that crowded. Niall was long gone. Probably going to find some alcohol. I told him to keep it light since our last encounter when we were 17. I doubt he'll do it though.

A grinding song came on so Victoria start grinding on me which I wasn't complaining about.

Later through the party I didn't know if I was wasted or the house was just upside down.

"Z-Zzzzzzzzayn." Niall said.

"Hmmmmm." I hummed.

"I forgot to fuck you up." He said and I laughed.

"I'm about to find Victoria to fuck her." I said thrusting my hips.

"Fuck her in the asshole so you can get ready for your gay future." He said and I gave him a thumbs up before going to find Victoria.


I woke up with a pounding headache. I was in the tub with my shirt off and Niall was leaned up against the toilet with his pants down. And Victoria was pants less hanging out from underneath the sink.

I laughed but held my head climbing out the tub. I looked in the medicine cabinet grabbing the bottle of Aspirin putting them in my pants pocket.
I woke Niall up and he sleepily pulled up his clothes. I grabbed Victoria from under the sink. She couldn't have slept good. I heard a couple things crack.

"Victoria wake up. You need to find your pants." I said and she nodded sleepily.

She walked out of the bathroom and Niall was still trying to wake up fully. I just pick him up throwing him over my shoulder and walked out to see Perrie struggling to put her pants on. I picked her up throwing her over my other shoulder.

"They're on good enough." I told her as we walked out to the car. I threw them in giving them a aspirin each.

"Did you have a fun time?" I said laughing even though my head was pounding.

"Gosh Zayn no. I need to get home. Oh gosh where's my keys." Victoria said.

"You put them in the glove compartment so you wouldn't lose them." Niall said and she got them out.

"Cool. But Zayn drop me off. My parents are gonna be pissed." She said.

"You're grown now." I said.

"Still live under their roof." She said as I pulled up to her house.

"That's wack." Niall said and she leaned back in the back seat grabbing his cheeks like a baby then kissing his forehead.

"I'll see you later. Plus we need to talk. I saw you flirting with a girl at the party yesterday." She said to Niall.

"Liar." He said and she laughed giving me a small peck on the lips.

She ran to the door and tried to open it without it creaking. And slipped in. Niall climes to the front seat.

"Just take me back to yours." He said leaning his head on the side and holding his head.

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